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E.D. SYSTEMS, IIXIC. VIRGINIA BEACH (804) 490-5000 flAMEEieiiEERS IMMAL M3OTTECTI ARLINGTON LAKEHURST BREMERTON SAN DIEGO CHARLESTON JACKSONVILLE PHILADELPHIA SAN FRANCISCO M. BDSEIMBLATT & SON, IIMC- NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND M MARINE ENGINEERS * / New York City 350 Broadway New York, NY 10013 (212) 431-6900 Boston Philadelphia Washington, D.C Newport News Charleston Norfolk San Francisco 657 Mission Streel San Francisco. CA 94105 (415) 777-0500 Bremerton San Diego Honolulu Oxnard j|j STV/SANDERS & THOMAS Marine Engineering • Systems Analysis Consulting/Design Engineering 7900 Westpark Drive McLean, VA 22102 703/893-1339 SARGENT & HERKES, INC. NAVAL ARCHITECTS . MARINE ENGINEERS 100S INTERNATIONAL BLDC . 611 GRAVII R ST NEW ORLEANS, I A 70130 (504) 524-1612 ;CK OFFICER ISES USCG approved - RADAR OBSERVER COURSE USCG approved -FIREFIGHTING SCHOOL Also USCG Exam Prep Courses lor CAPTAIN. MASTER. AB. ENGINEER. 0ME0 Qll-UK) se^sc™**. toll |-goo-BEST-ONE S" (QfemvmfAy ^Qfyt/emfr, (Trie. Marine Engineers and Naval Architects; P.O. Box 338 Essex. CT 06426 P.O. Box 205 Solomons, MD 20688 Telex: 517931 Seaworthysys 17 Battery PI. N.Y , N.Y 10004 2 Skyline Place Suite 311 Falls Church, VA 22041 r GEORGE G. rSHARP, INC. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS NAVAL ARCHITECTS-MARINE ENGINEERS 100 CHURCH STREET-NEW YORK, N.Y. 10007 131]] 732-2300 WASHINGTON,D.C. [703] 892-4000 VIRGINIA BEACH.VA. [804) 499-4125 PHILADELPHIA.PA. f609] 772 -0888 TWX:710- 581-2758 CABLE! GEO SHARP NYK T.UI. SPRETCEHS TORSIONAL VIBRATION SPECIALISTS OUR 40TH YEAR SERVING INTERNATIONAL CLIENTS 156 W. 8th Ave. (604) 879-2974 Vancouver. Canada V5Y 1N2 Telex 0455188 R.A. STEARN INC. NAVAL ARCHITECTS and MARINE ENGINEERS 253 N. 1st Avenue Sturgeon Bay, Wl 54235 Phone (414) 743-8282 TLX 753166, ESL 62388810 STURGEON BAY MODEL SHOP SHIP MODELS SINCE 1941 Wm. L. Kerbs! 187N. Ninih Ave Sturgeon Bay. Wl 54235 DISPLAYS DESIGN MODELS phone 414/894 2859 414/743 2921 414/744 3091 Quality Management, Training, Support, ILS, and Marine Engineering Services 23 Locations Worldwide SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES CORPORATION 520 FELLOWSHIP ROAD, SUITE C-306 MT. LAUREL, NEW JERSEY 08054 {609} 866-2400 SEACOR is a Subsidiary or Day & Zimmermann, Inc. Trans-International Marine Services Corp- TIMSCO MAINTENANCE MONITORING SYSTEMS INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEMS P.O. Box 91360 Mobile, Alabama 36691 205/666-7121 Tracor Hydronautics" INTEGRATED ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE MARINE INDUSTRY RESEARCH • DEVELOPMENT DESIGN • TESTING HYDRONAUTICS SHIP MODEL BASIN Tracor Hydronautics 7210 Pindell School Road Laurel, Maryland 20707 Telephone: (301) 776-7454 Telex: 8-7585 VIBRANALYSIS ENGINEERING CORP • PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS • VIBRATION ANALYSIS • FIELD & SHOP BALANCE • ACOUSTICAL CONSULTANTS • COMPUTERIZED DATA COLLECTION • MARINE APPLICATIONS VIBRANALYSIS ENGINEERING CORP 4380 S. Wayside, Suite 100 Houston, TX 77087 713-643-1051 ^ WELDING CONSULTANTS USA 6517 RADBURN. GREENDALE. Wl [414] 421-3252 ST. PETERSBURG. FL. HOUSTON. TX. PROVIDING WELDING ENGINEERING SERVICES TO SHIPS, MACHINERY, HULL, MARINE STRUCTURAL DE- SIGNS, ALTERATION, REPAIRS, CONVERSIONS AND UNDER-WATER STRUCTURES. THOMAS B. WILSON ASSOCIATES NAVAL ARCHITECTS & MARINE ENGINEERS 1258 N. AVALON BLVD. • WILMINGTON, CA. 90744 PHONE (213) 518-0940 Volvo Penta Names Bundy And Mossey Regional Managers Volvo Penta of America, a division of Volvo North America Corporation, recently an- nounced the appointment of Greg Bundy as regional manager for western Florida, Alabama and Mississippi, and Bill Mossey as regional manager for the Pacific Northwest which in- cludes Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Mr. Bundy and Mr. Mossey will each be responsible for all regional OEM and authorized Volvo Penta dealer engine, parts and accessory sales within his area of responsibility, and also administer marketing, service, warranty and parts policies and provide primary product tech- nical support. Additionally, they will coordinate regional advertising, promotion, retail sales training and boat show activities. National Park Service Plans Addition To Its Statue Of Liberty Fleet The National Park Service's North Atlantic Regional Office has completed preliminary de- sign of a personnel boat for its National Monu- ment operations in New York Harbor. This operation is year-round and requires 24-hour transportation service for Park Service em- ployees in any weather. The boat will be built and certified to USCG Subchapter "T" requirements for 80 passengers. The preliminary design calls for a rugged 65-foot steel hull vessel with an aluminum superstruc- ture. Twin turbocharged diesel engines are ex- pected to provide a full load speed of 15 knots and 17-18 knots with a light load. Design agent for the procurement is Phillips Cartner & Co. of Alexandria, Va. The new boat is anticipated to begin service by the end of 1988. The announcement of the competitive procurement for construction will appear in the Commerce Business Daily. National Waterways Conference Cosponsoring Seminar On Transportation Futures Markets A seminar which will examine the market in contracts for future bulk transportation will be held at the Westin Crown Center Hotel in Kan- sas City, Mo., on April 25-27. The seminar, "Transportation Futures Mar- kets—An Option for Tomorrow?" will be co- sponsored by Iowa State University's Extension Service of Ames, Iowa, and the National Water- ways Conference, Inc., Washington, D.C. It will deal primarily with barge, rail and truck futures as a tool for hedging transportation rate and capacity risks. Dr. C. Phillip Baumol of Iowa State Univer- sity's Department of Economics, will deliver the keynote address and R. Richard Carter, vice president-agricultural products marketing, Bur- lington Northern Railroad, will be the luncheon speaker. Another speaker will be Morris L. Larson, executive vice president of the Merchants Ex- change of St. Louis, which conducts a daily "call session" for grain barge freight, including the spot market as well as forward placements. In all, some 20 speakers and panelists includ- ing shippers, carriers, economists and consul- tants will participate in the seminar. For more information on the seminar, contact: Seminar Coordinator, National Waterways Con- ference, Inc., 1130 17th Street, N.W., Washing ton, D.C. 20036; or telephone: (202) 296-4415. March, 1988 65