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(continued from page 55) veloped an accurate satellite naviga- tion system that is compact and lightweight. Added to the Vigil RX GPS Sat- nav worldwide positioning advan- tages is its ability to interface with Vigil RX Series Radars through the Vigil RX Supervisor™. The Supervi- sor accepts all the data inputs from the GPS Satnav, displaying the nav- igation information on the RX Ra- dar screens. The technology of the Vigil RX GPS Satnav is also impressive. The instrument allows accuracy to with- in 75 feet under typical conditions and will handle up to five satellite signals simultaneously. It has all the operating features of the RX Sat- nav, including Auto-Locate, 99 way- points plus MOB (Man Overboard), 10 route/25 waypoint storage, and the ability to interface with speed logs and the Vigil fluxgate compass. The GPS Satnav is supported by an internal battery to maintain the in- strument's memory during periods of inactivity. The Vigil RX GPS Satnav joins other Vigil navigation instruments to offer boat owners a wide choice of equipment to suit their needs. In- cluded are the Vigil RM and RX Satnavs, RX Navigator (Decca), At sea is no [dace to make repairs Sometimes, it's unavoidable. But, you can help avoid potential break- downs by specifying products that have met stringent marine/military requirements for dependability in the most adverse situations. That's Aeroquip products! We've also earned our hash marks in R&D, testing, traceability and special- ized service with over 45 years of experience. Case in point. Our new RISIC 3 Sound Isolation Couplings are designed to reduce sound trans- missions of machinery in piping on surface ship water and oil ser- vice. Also, our new Snorkel Hose Assembly, for the snorkel induc- tion system on nuclear sub- marines, is designed to withstand underwater pressures and the sea water environment. Ask for our Marine/Military Customer Service Group at 419/238-1190, experienced special- ists who speak your language. Or write Aeroquip Corporation, 300 South East Avenue, Jackson, Ml 49203-1972. For literature, call 1-800-982-0030. »*W>quip Fluid Convey ing Products [U FREE Catalog 306 225 pages of flexible marine hose and fit- tings, adapters, couplings and support equipment. FREE Bulletin 8313 Description and specification on RISIC 3 couplings. worldwide FREE Bulletin 541A 28 pages of hose and hose assemblies, hose rig hard- ware and sup- port equipment for refuelling at sea. and three radar models. WATERCOM Circle 24 on Reader Service Card Since the first call was placed on a WATERCOM® telephone the sys- tem has been installed on the vessels of more than 34 fleets. WATERCOM's network links ves- sels and their home offices through the only direct-dial, inland marine telecommunications system. Using the WATERCOM telephone, calls can be placed from vessel to shore, shore to vessel or vessel to vessel. Low operating costs make WATERCOM one of the most eco- nomical marine communication sys- tems available. WATERCOM offers its subscrib- ers the convenience and efficiency of an instantaneous direct-dial sys- tem that eliminates the need for marine operators. It provides com- plete privacy, with no worry that the competition may be monitoring a call; voice clarity, which greatly re- duces the risk of misunderstanding; ease of use, because WATERCOM is a regular telephone; and the reli- ability of constant communications capability. Various purchase, lease and rental plans, tailored to meet individual needs, are available. WATERCOM also features fac- simile (FAX) machine capability which allows transmission of hard copy to and from vessels. Deck logs, payroll, crew records and requisi- tions can now be transmitted. Data communication is also a reality with WATERCOM, giving the vessel owner a number of alternatives for improving operating effectiveness and controlling costs. Other fea- tures, including calling cards, collect calls, operator assisted calls and crew phones offer unique crew bene- fits. WATERCOM coverage extends along 4,000 miles of inland water- ways, including the Mississippi, Ohio and Illinois rivers, as well as the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Vessels located anywhere within this coverage area have access to instant, direct-dial communica- tions. • Mariner Holding Buys Caruthersville Shipyard Pott Industries Inc., a subsidiary of Enron Corp. of Houston, Texas, has sold Caruthersville Shipyard Inc. to Mariner Holding Inc. of St. Louis, it was jointly announced by Mariner president Richard A. Coonrod and Dwight E. Larson of Enron. Caruthersville Shipyard will continue to be headquartered in St. Louis and will operate under the name of St. Louis Ship. Both St. Louis Ship president Anthony G. Tobin and Caruthers- ville Operations vice president Lar- ry N. Privett will remain as part of the management team of St. Louis Ship. For Aeroquip Literature, circle the ap- propriate number on the Reader Service Card: Catalog 306—circle 114; Bulletin 8313—circle 115; Bulletin 541 A—circle 116. A TRI HI OVA COMPANY