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Steering controls & rudder indicator EMRI TV & PA systems Phillips Sat/TV-at-sea .... Gendra/SeaTel KRONPRINS HARALD Wartsila The 545 % -foot car/passenger ferry Kronprins Harald was delivered during March of last year by the Turku Shipyard of Wartsila Marine Industries to her owner, I/S Jahre Line. After her delivery, she left for her homeport of Oslo, Norway, where she was put into service on the Oslo-to-Kiel run, replacing the old Kronprins Harald built in Ger- many in 1976. The 31,122-gross-ton ferry has a molded breadth of 93 feet and de- sign draft of 21 feet. She is powered by four medium-speed main diesel engines, two Wartsila-Sulzer 12ZAV40, each having a capacity of 6,600 kw, and two Wartsila-Sulzer 6ZAL40, each having a capacity of 3,300 kw, coupled to the shafts in a "father-and-son" arrangement. She has a speed of 22 knots at 83 percent mcr and a draft of 21 feet. Her auxil- iary engines comprise two Wartsila Vasa 8R22HF, each having a capac- ity of 1,180 kw, and two Wartsila Vasa 12V22HF, each with a capacity of 1,770 kw. When designing the engines, the main dimensions and the hull form, special attention was given to the total fuel consumption. The new vessel uses the same amount of fuel during a tour (Oslo-Kiel-Oslo) as the old Kronprins Harald, even though the gross tonnage is ahout 50 percent higher. The passenger areas of the new ferry comprise 468 cabins with a total of 1,440 berths. Special atten- tion was given to the sound insula- tion of the cabins. The vessel has a trailer deck, a cargo room for trail- ers, and a private car deck above the trailer deck. The maximum number of trailers she can hold is 54, while her No. 4 deck can hold 283 cars. MONACO Perana Dockyards The RO/RO passenger ship Mon- aco operated by Euroferries was re- fitted last year with two Wartsila Vasa 6R32 heavy fuel main engines at Perana Dockyards in Greece. The refit on the 20-year-old ves- sel, which operates between Patras, Greece and Brindisi, Italy, was car- ried out on a very tight schedule, with installation and delivery only nine weeks after the order. The new main Wartsila Vasa en- gines were hauled on board through the stern cargo door and a hole cut in the trailer deck. The existing cooling water system and engine foundation were slightly modified, while the existing reduction gears and propulsion system were used with alteration. New fuel and lube oil ancillary systems and a new cool- (continued) KRONPRINS HARALD Equipment List Main engines Wartsila-Sulzer Auxiliary engines . . .Wartsila Alternators . StrSmberg Emergency alternator . . . . Siemens Emergency alt. engine . . .... Deutz CP propellers . . KaMeWa Bowthruster . . KaMeWa Boilers . . . Sunrod Gyrocompass AnschUtz Kiel Echo sounder . . . Simrad S-Band and X-Band radars Racal-Decca Interswitches Racal-Decca X-Band docking radar . . Racal-Decca Direction finder . . . Skipper EM-log . . . Sagem Typhons . . . Zollner Decca navigator Racal-Decca Autopilot AnschUtz Kiel Magnetic compass . . . . . . .Ludolph Windmeter . . . Vaisala Radiostation—main transmitter, reserve transmitter, main receiver, reserve receiver extra receiver, auto alarm, auto key and navtex EB Communications Watch receiver . . . Simrad Portable lifeboat radiotelephones . . . . . . . Skanti VHF-FM radio telephones . . Shipmate VHF port, radiotelephones . . Motorola NMT stations . . . Dancall VHF-AM emergency radiotelephones, VHF-AM emer. radio beacons, & VHF-AM emer. free-float radio beacon . . . Jotron Steering gears . . .Wartsila Anchor capstans . . . Hatlapa Mooring winches . . . . . . . Hatlapa Anchors SCSI Sanghai Gyrofin stabilizers . . . . .... HDW Ventilation systems . Flakt, Suomen/ Svenska Flakt SCHOTTEL for progressive propulsion SCHOTTEL System for Main Propulsion and as Manoeuvring Aids For over 35 has proved the SCHOT rEL-System the world. years itself throughout More than 20 different types of SCHOTTEL- Rudderpropellers are now being offered, covering a power range from 15 to 5,000 kW (20 to 7,000 hp). SCHOTTEL-Navigators, SCHOTTEL Transverse Tunnel Thrusters, SCHOTTEL-Bow-Jets, SCHOTTEL-Cone-Jets, and SCHOTTEL-Pump-Jets round off the versatile palette of SCHOTTEL propulsion and steering units for main propulsion and as manoeuvring aids. The SCHOTTEL-System requires a minimum of maintenance. It is economical and space-saving. To date over 19,000 SCHOTTEL units with more than 6 million hp propulsion capacity have been delivered all over the world. If you plan a newbuilding or conversion - get in touch with one of the world-wide SCHOTTEL companies or representatives. January, 1988 SCHOTTEL-WERFT, D-5401 Spay / West Germany, Tel.: (02628) 610, Teletex: (17) 262891 SW SPAY SCHOTTEL OF AMERICA, INC., 8375 N.W. 56 Street, Miami/Florida 33166,Tel.(305) 592-7350 The SCHOTTEL-Group offers world-wide sales and service through SCHOTTEL companies located in Hamburg, The Hague, London, Paris, Genoa, Basle, Vienna, Miami, Buenos Aires, Porto Alegre, Singapore, Sydney, and representatives throughout the world. Circle 244 on Reader Service Card 17