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with a personal computer, the fol- lowing services: compares the en- gine data stored on the diskette with actual measurement data, which are recorded from the running engine; computes a comparison of nominal and actual data, records deviations and displays messages if and when limit values are reached or ex- ceeded; provides a subsequent diag- nosis and a plan for required action; shows the nominal and actual data under comparison in a table or a graphic display; stores all measured deviations in a long-term protocol mode and displays the historical de- velopment of deviations; stores and displays all input data and also runs diagnosis for past recordings. The software program and a data base diskette are exclusively pro- duced by Krupp MaK and handed over to the purchaser, once a con- tract to use Dicare has been ac- knowledged. The brochure points out that Di- care has been developed as a user- friendly and simple-to-handle pro- gram. The operator's manual which is supplied with Dicare will enable an operator to use Dicare without special knowledge. For more information and a free copy of the brochure "DICARE— Description of System" from Krupp Mak, Circle 61 on Reader Service Card A. Edward Owen Named President And CEO, ZF Of North America A. Edward Owen A. Edward Owen recently joined ZF-NA after 23 years in exec- utive positions with Borg Warner. He managed the Remanufacturing Division in Ottawa, 111., for 11 years and was head of Borg Warner Brazil from 1979 until 1983. Most recently, he was vice president/general man- ager of Borg Warner Clutch Sys- tems, in charge of worldwide clutch operations with plants in four over- seas locations and a major distribu- tion center in Chicago. ZF of North America, Inc., is a subsidiary of Zahnradfabrik Frie- drichshafen AG (ZF-AG), West Germany, and as such the exclusive sales and service organization for the North American market—pro- viding transmissions, drivetrains, axles and steering gears for passen- ger cars, on- and off-highway vehi- cles and equipment as well as ma- rine applications to North American customers since 1979. ZF-NA also maintains an OE sales/application engineering office in Farmington Hills, Mich., near Detroit. In addition, ZF-AG has installed manufacturing companies to serve the American market: ZF-Trans- missions Inc., Gainesville, Ga., and ZF-Steering Gear (US) in Brewer, Maine. For more information and free lit- erature from ZF-NA, Circle 20 on Reader Service Card First Wartsila Vasa 46 Ordered For RO/RO Ship The first order for Wartsila Die- sel's new Vasa 46 medium-speed heavy fuel engine was recently re- ceived. The propulsion unit was chosen for a new RO/RO vessel under construction at the J.J. Sietas Shipyard of Hamburg for Schif- fahrtsgesellschaft M/S Odin KG. The 6,300-dwt multipurpose RO/RO will be powered by a six- cylinder Vasa 46 diesel engine with an output of 5,430 kw at 450 rpm. The engine will be delivered this June and the vessel will be com- pleted in September. For free literature fully detailing the new Vasa 46 engine from Wart- sila, Circle 45 on Reader Service Card January, 1988 15 Hempel's Uni-Primer 1385 is a cost-effective solution for any onboard paint repair job. Its easy to use, dries rapidly and provides excellent corrosion protection onhand- prepared surfaces. For further information callyour local Hempel office. Maintenance made easy by Hempel .el. Miami, Fl. NewlQrleans, L.A. Inserted empel Coatings USA, Inc. Long Bead Houston, Tx. : 713-6 ll.Xll T I IT 201-939-9411 305-599-2: 504-834-3' P ,74-31 855-4400 Circle 260 on Reader Service Card