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National Waterways Conference Elects Officers And Committee Members Sheldon L. Morgan of Mobile, Ala., senior vice president of First Alabama Bank, was elected as chair- man of the National Waterways Conference's board of directors at the organization's annual meeting this year in Little Rock, Ark. He succeeds Rodman Kober of Chicago, vice president-transporta- tion of Continental Grain Co., who had held the chairman's post for the last two years. Moving up as vice chairman was Berdon Lawrence of Houston, president of Hollywood Marine, Inc. Harry N. Cook of Washington, D.C., was reelected as Conference president, a position which he has held since 1978. J. D. Laman of Houston, manager of marine trans- portation for Dow Chemical USA, was named as first vice president. All other Conference officers were reelected. In addition, four new members won seats on the executive committee, and 12 new directors were elected to the 75-member board of directors. Sixteen others were reelected to new three-year terms. More than 400 business, civic and waterway leaders attended the Na- tional Waterways Conference's re- cent convention and heard some 30 speakers assess opportunities for growth and expansion in America's river valleys. Deputy Labor Secre- tary Dennis E. Whitfield, Acting Assistant Army Secretary John S. Doyle Jr., and Dr. Jesse L. White Jr., of the Southern Growth Policies Board addressed luncheon sessions. Mr. Morgan, the Conference's newly elected chairman, worked for the Alabama State Docks and the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce before becoming a bank official in 1972. He has been president and is currently chairman of the Warrior- Tombigbee Development Associa- tion. Reelected as vice presidents of the Conference were Vernon E. Behrhorst of Lafayette, La., secre- tary of the Louisiana Intracoastal Seaway Association; Wallace A. Gieringer of Pine Bluff, Ark., ex- An Everpure bromination system with filtration is the most reliable and low cost way to provide safe, great tasting water for drinking and cook- ing off shore. You'll enjoy better disinfection, less maintenance and a longer system life for an ongoing cost of about 2