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transport on deck jackup and semi- submersible oil drilling platforms weighing up to 20,000 tons. The ves- sel can also be used for docking ships. The Transself can be submerged by means of water-filled ballast tanks to a depth of about 69 feet, after which the platform is towed above the submerged deck. The bal- last tanks are then emptied pneu- matically and the loaded vessel rises to transport level. Onboard there is a flexible com- puterized interactive management assisting system developed in coop- eration with Wartsila and a Dutch company. This computer system can be used for designing and pre- paring future transports and by us- ing real-time measurements for monitoring and analyzing stability, stresses and movements of the ship during loading, transportation and unloading, also paying attention to the varying environmental condi- tions. WASP (LHD-1) Ingalls The 40,500-ton amphibious as- Mackay COMMUNICATIONS INTRODUCES OUR NEW STATE-OF-THE-ART MARINE RADIO CONSOLE MRU35M • 2 to 30 MHz, continuous • 100 Programmable Channels. • Modular Solid State Design. • Selectable Output Power Levels with 1000 Watts PEP & AVG (Max) • FCC Type Accepted. • Optional Radioteletype (SIT0R) Communications For further information contact MACK A Y COMMUNICA TIONS 441 U.S. Highway #7, P.O. Box 331 Elizabeth, New Jersey 07207-0331 Telephone (201) 527-0300 (212) 571-0130 Telex: 4754132 (ITT) 138647 (WU) Fax: (201)527-8355 Circle 202 on Reader Service Card Space saving physical/ chemical design requires 90% less space than biological systems. Low installation costs Simple, automatic operation Low operating and maintenance costs Reliable micro- processor control Quick delivery... 6 standard models Model ORCA 11-24 Model 11-12 11-24 11-36 11-165 11-330 11-500 Number people served 12 24 36 165 330 500 'If low volume flush toilets are used, the number of people can be doubled USCG certified and IMO approved Call or telex Dick Lambert for technical information, brochures or a quotation on a specific model. ENVIROVAC INC. SSu,,. Telephone 815/654-8300, Telex 257-415 (ENVIROVAC RKD) Toll Free (USA only) 800-435-6951 (except in IL, HI, AK) Circle 327 on Reader Service Card GALLEY EXHAUST HOODS ^GAYLORlT) The first choice in Galley Ventilation • EXTRACTS 95% OF GREASE FROM AIR STREAM • GREASE REMOVED BY AUTOMATIC WATER-WASH • FAIL-SAFE FIRE DAMPER PROTECTING HOOD & DUCT • MODELS FOR EVERY GALLEY APPLICATION • ENERGY SAVING LOW AIR VOLUME DESIGN • NO MESSY FILTERS TO REMOVE & CLEAN • WORLDWIDE SALES, ENGINEERING & SERVICE With over 40 years experience in galley ventilation, Gaylord continues to meet the demands of the industry with advanced engineering and service. Please write or call for a complete Gaylord Engineering Catalog GAYLORD INDUSTRIES, IIMC. A SUBSIDIARY OF GAYLORD INTERNATIONAL. INC. P.O. BOX 558 • 9600 S.W. SEELY AVE. • WILSONVILLE, OR 97070-0558 USA TLX/RCA 200462 GIW UR • FAX 503-682-2938 PHONE 503-682-3801 • 800-547-9696 Circle 125 on Reader Service Card sault ship Wasp (LHD-1), the lead ship of her new class, was christened for the U.S. Navy at Litton's Ingalls Shipbuilding Division in Pascagou- la, Miss., in mid-September of this year. The Wasp will have the primary mission of embarkation, deploy- ment, landing and support of a Ma- rine landing force. The Wasp is 844 feet long, with a beam of 106 feet. Two Westinghouse steam propul- sion plants, developing a combined 70,000 horsepower, will drive the ship at speeds of more than 20 knots. In carrying out this mission, LHD 1 will mount an assault of helicop- ters, landing craft and other amphi- bious vehicles in various combina- tion. The Wasp Class is specifically designed to accommodate the air cushion landing craft (LCAC) and Harrier II (AV-8B) STO/VL (Short Take Off/Vertical Landing) jets, which will provide close-in air sup- port of the assault force. The ship will also accommodate the full range of Navy and Marine Corps helicop- ters, conventional landing craft and amphibious vehicles. LHD 1 will have more than 22,000 feet of vehicle space, and 100,000 cubic feet of cargo space. Accommo- dations for nearly 3,000 troops and crew members (the crew numbers 98 officers and 983 enlisted personnel) are provided in the ship's living areas. For combat support, as well as humanitarian missions, LHD 1 will have six fully equipped operat- ing rooms and a 600-bed hospital. The new ship will join the Navy fleet in early 1989. WASP (LHD-1) Equipment List Steam propulsion turbines and reduction gears Westinghouse Ship control consoles Litton Boilers Combustion Engineering Generators GE Steering gears . . . Jered Brown Brothers Propulsion shafting .... National Forge Generators Stewart & Stevenson Steering controls Sperry Marine Propellers Lips Bearings Waukesha Bearings American Metal Rudder bearings FAG Bearings Motors Reliance Electric Electronic equipment Litton Gauges ITT Barton Connectors Viking Connectors Convertors Teledyne Hydraulics Paul Munroe Line voltage regulators Superior Electric Transducers Consolidated Control Electronic equipment Tektronix Transformers Jefferson Electric Condensers Graham Towed sonar array Gould Antennas Chu Associates Communication systems GTE Condensers .... Transamerica Delaval Automatic bus transfers . . Ward Leonard Instruments and gauges Weksler Instruments Telephones AT&T Coils Mario Coil Circuit breakers Gould Switchboards . International Switchboard Controllers GE Pushbuttons Pushbuttons . . . Eaton/Cutler Hammer Degaussing system Louis Allis Tank level system IMO Delaval Electric cable BIW Cable Terminals Waldo Bros. Pumps Hardie Tynes Pumps Carver Pumps 26 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News