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Choosing the right shipyard to place a ship when it's in need of repairs may be puzzling for some shipowners. Particularly so, since everyone claims to be the best, most economical, fastest or most modern — a perplexing state and certainly a matter of opinion. We at Todd, being no exception, like to believe we are the best. We strive to be cost effective through increased productivity at our upgraded facilities which, in turn, allows us to offer speedier service. Another factor in Todd's favor is experience. We've had 70 well-rounded years worth and continue to seek new challenges to bolster our expertise. Todd's management and labor force are at the disposal of prospective clients around- the-clock at all of our modern and complete shipyards. Executive Offices - (201) 434-0200 Galveston Division - (409) 744-4581 San Francisco Division (415) 621-8633 Los Angeles Division - (213) 832-3361 Seattle Division - (206) 623-1635 Todd Shipyards Corporation 1 Evertrust Plaza, Jersey City, NJ 07302