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High-Quality Components for Marine Applications Shown are only a few of the hundreds of high-quality marine products available from a single source. Designed for a range of shipboard or offshore applications. Pressure Switches Broad choice of electromechanical or solid-state switches to provide shipwide pressure control Included are diaphragm, bourdon tube and sealed piston types many are explosion-proof Unique Sounding Tape Ullage Indicator Self-contained, battery-powered unit is convenient to use in shipboard and offshore tanks Pressure Transmitters and Transducers f v h i A group of lightweight transmitters and transducers are ideal for monitoring the 'mechanical health' of shipboard machinery and systems and for gauging tank contents. Included are signal con- ditioned models and vibration versions for monitoring rotating machinery. Single or Multi-Station Level A Switches Ruggedly built for use in liquids from crude to chemicals Broad choice includes single station with slosh shielding, oil/water inter- face models, externally mounted styles where access is limited, and multi-station units with up to six stations spaced to suit. SureSite Liquid Level Indicators Bi-colored. interlocking magnetic Hags change ' color as float moves with changing liquid levels Meet requirements of MIL-I-20037B for indirect reading sight glasses. Withstand shock and vibration Unlike cloudy, break- able sight glasses, these SureSite Indicators are highly visible, accurate and safe. Used with water, oil, or corrosive, flammable or explosive liquids. Temperature Switches Local mount or remote bulb and capillary switches provide accurate, high-stability temperature control. Ideal for sensing engine mani- fold, lube oil and ventilation ducts, salt and fresh water cooling Pumps Axial Multi-Rotor screw pumps are designed for lube and fuel oil service, fuel transfer and hydraulic service on Naval combatant ships and auxiliary vessels. Flow rates to 1250 GPM and pressures to 3000 PSIG with the lowest noise levels available. Get your FREE 28-page catalog now which describes products shown here as well as dozens more. ii" Any of the products in this catalog may be supplied from either location shown. Write for your FREE copy of the new catalog or circle the appropriate reader service number. Transamerica Delaval For customers in Europe: Transamerica Instruments Ltd., Marine Dept Lennox Road Basingstoke. Hampshire RG22 4AW ENGLAND Telephone (0256)20244, Telex 858103 (CECBAS G) Circle 219 on Reader Service Card For customers in the U.S. or Far East: Transamerica Delaval Cowles Road Plamville, Ct 06062 U.S.A. (203) 677-1311, Telex 99306 Circle 220 on Reader Service Card