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TM A Modular Container Compatible Pontoon System mmX . . ^ •. The ISOLOG Logistics System consists of specially- designed FLEXIFLOAT modules and attachments which incorporate a high-strength, integral locking system for interconnection into self-propelled lighterage assemblies for ship-to-shore cargo transfer and off-load. All components of the ISOLOG System are container- ship compatible and conform to standard container han- dling equipment and stowage arrangements as defined by "ISO" rules for freight containers. The ISOLOG Logistics System is based on over 25 years of experience in applying innovative, modular solutions to unusual flotation problems. For technical information and pricing, contact: Robishaw Engineering, Inc. PO Box 19246 Houston, TX 77224 Tel. (713) 468-1706 Telex 77-5425 LOGISTICS SYSTEMS December, 1986 Circle 131 on Reader Service Card 49