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SIEMENS Plot an automatic course •HIH^^MIHIBIIB toward competitive advantage Granted, you know best how to plot the right course toward competitive advan- tage in the shipping business. With lower energy consumption. With reduced downtime for equipment overhauls. With faster turnaround in port. With more streamlined operation than your competitors. With Siemens. As one of the world's leading manufacturers of marine auto- mation equipment, we know how you can gain these advantages in a single coup ...with SIMOS®-Siemens Marine Operating System. SIMOS.. .that's the first name in advanced automation equipment for control and supervision of shipboard systems from the bridge all the way down to the machinery room. Decentralized in func- tion and modular in design. SIMOS puts you in a better position than ever before to exploit your vessels' com- petitive potential. Efficiently, effectively, and wherever it is located. Not bad for a single automation system. And not at all good for your competition. The first name in advanced marine automation... SIMOS from Siemens Circle 138 on Reader Service Card