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ZF proposes a sporting wager We bet this Boston Barometer you can't tell us how many standard models of marine gears ZF makes Here's a hint: ZF makes more standard models of marine transmissions for pleasurecraft and commercial boats than any other manufacturer in the world. We have lightweight rugged marine gears for virtually any application Whether you design, build or pilot boats, ZF has a quality marine gear to fit your application. We offer a large selection of standard marine gears for most pleasurecraft applications as well as virtually all sizes and types of commercial, work, push and utility boats. Or we can design and build a marine gear to your exact specifications at a very com- petitive price. Whichever way you choose to go—standard or custom — you can count on ZF marine gears to give you the best value. ZF marine gears are designed to operate with all of today's major brands of marine diesel engines, and many can be specified with either lightweight alloy or cast iron housings. ZF marine gears are also technologically superior. They are built to specifications that go well beyond accepted stan- dards, using only the highest quality materials. So they perform reliably, quietly and economically. ZF marine gears can be out- fitted with a wide variety of options as well, such as an inte- grated trailing pump, power take-offs, trolling valves or a U-drive mounting arrangement. But perhaps best of all, ZF marine gears cost no more to specify. For a free copy of A Guide to ZF Marine Transmissions, as well as the opportunity to win a Boston Barometer, write the number of standard models of marine gears ZF makes on your business card or letter- head and send it to: ZF of North America Marine Department 500 Barclay Blvd. Lincolnshire, IL 60069 (312) 634-3500 Telex: 240735 ZF NA UR It costs no more to specify the best —ZF UL N All entries must be received before 1 31/87. One entry per person. Everyone submitting the correct answer will be awarded a Boston Barometer: approximate retail value $119. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Winners will be notified by phone no later than 2/28 87. Tax on prizes responsibility of winners. ZF not responsible for late, lost or misdirected entries. Prizes not transferable. Circle 189 on Reader Service Card November, 1986 67