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Nichols Brothers Awarded Schooner Hull Contract From Marimed David Higgins, executive direc- tor of the Marimed (maritime medi- cine) Foundation in Honolulu, has announced the signing of the initial contract for the construction of a 150-foot, three-masted topsail schooner. The vessel will be out- filled with medical equipment and will be used to provide primary health care and health education services in the Marshall Islands, 2,500 miles southwest of Hawaii. Nichols Brothers Boat Builders in Whidbey Island, Wash., has been awarded a $661,500 contract for the steel and aluminum fabrication work on the 280-grt vessel. This will include materials and labor for com- plete fabrication of the hull, rudder assembly, engine beds, ladders and coamings, tie-up cleats, zinc pads, watertight manholes, primer and one coat of anti-fouling below the waterline, engineering, and launch- ing. Construction is already under- way, and delivery of the bare hull has been scheduled for January 1987. Marimed and Nichols are cur- rently negotiating a follow-on con- tract covering the installation of machinery and engineering sys- tems. Nor-Shipping '87 OSLO, NORWAY 2 - 5 JUNE 1987 A MUST FOR YOUR BUSINESS Join the centre of action, the people and the future of international shipping and offshore-related activities. Nor-Shipping 87 The 11th international shipping and maritime offshore exhibition and conference. T'he most important destination for your business world in 1987, will be Oslo, Norway - during the first week of June - and the 11th Nor-Shipping exhi- bition. The exhibitors will represent all aspects of shipping and the maritime offshore market - on both product and service sides. Nor-Shipping '85 attrac- ted 650 manufacturers from 25 count- ries, represented by 277 exhibitors from 20 countries. The Annual General Meetings and Council Meeting of Intertanko, Inter- cargo. Norwegian Shipowners Associ- ation and Northern Shipowners Defence Club will most likely be held in Oslo at the same time. The exhibitors at Nor-Shipping '85 were able to establish and strenghten contacts with about 8.500 specialists from 45 countries. Make sure you are one of them in 1987. ["Return to: Nor-Shipping '87 Norges Varemesse MR-12~1 RO. Box 130 Skeyen, 0212 Oslo 2, Norway • Please send me the Exhibitor's G Please send me the Visitor's Brochure and Application Form Brochure (when available) C Please send me the Conference Programme (when available) Name: Company. Address: _ Country: _ .Tel.: N/ NORGES VAREMESSE NORWEGIAN TRADE FAIR FOUNDATION Siolystsentret — Sjolyst Exhibition Centre P.O.Box 130 SKoyen. N-0212 Oslo 2. Norway Tel: (02)43 80 80 Telex: 78748 messe n Telecopier. (02)43 19 14 ULSTEIN VALVE MANIFOLDS Delivered in several models, both as change-over valve manifolds and bilge-water valve manifolds. Our compact designs have wide ranges of applications, each unit manufactured is pressured tested. Ulstein valve manifolds are delivered with manual or remote control, with - or without gasket and flanges. iff Manufactured by: ULSTEIN PROPELLER A S Ulstein, N-6065 Ulsteinvik, Norway Tel.: 47 / 70 / 10 050. Telex 42 342 SUBSIDIARIES: Ulstein (UK), Edinburgh, telex 72 73 83 Ulstein (Singapore), Singapore, telex 24 484 Ulstein Maritime, Vancouver, telex 43 54 799 Ulstein Schiffstechnik, Hamburg. Teletex (17) 40 32 43 - ULSTEIN Ulstein Inc., New Orleans (USA) Ulstein Asia Ltd., Hong Kong, telex 73 022 norge Circle 137 on Reader Service Card Circle 259 on Reader Service Card 66 The outfitting, rigging, and in- stallation of medical facilities will begin in February next year in Seat- tle under the supervision of Seattle boatbuilder John Guzzwell, the first Englishman to sail alone around the world. He recently su- pervised the construction of a 130- foot sailing vessel in Brazil. The Marimed Foundation vessel will be registered in the U.S. and homeported in Honolulu. She has been ruled a cargo vessel by the U.S. Coast Guard, and will be built to the requirements of Subchapter I of USCG Regulations and classed by the American Bureau of Shipping. The schooner will be named Tole Mour by the Marshallese people, which means "gift of life and health" in their language. She was designed by Capt. Ted Ewbank, president of Ewbank, Brooke and Associates of Auckland, New Zea- land. "We are especially proud to have this international health service and training vessel built in America," Mr. Higgins said, "and we know that she will become a symbol of hope and better health for people in the Marshall Islands." For free literature describing the services and facilities of Nichols Brothers Boat Builders, Circle 4 on Reader Service Card $402.5-Million Contract To Litton Systems For Amphibious Assault Ship Litton Systems Incorporated, In- galls Shipbuilding Division, Pasca- goula, Miss., is being awarded a $402,494,000 fixed-price-incentive contract for construction of 1 LHD- 1 class multipurpose amphibious as- sault ship. The contract also con- tains priced options for an FY-88 ship and FY-89 ship. Work will be performed in Pacagoula, and is ex- pected to be completed in April 1992. Five bids were solicited and four offers were received. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washing- ton, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024-86-C-2005). Lloyd's Reports Another Monthly Decrease In Laid-Up Tanker Tonnage For the 13th successive month, idle tankers have showed a marked improvement. The latest report published by Lloyd's of London Press shows that despite a rise in the number of vessels mothballed, more than a million tons has been reduced from the total, leaving 1,075 vessels of 29.88 million dwt compared with 1,061 vessels of 31.22 million dwt in August. The tanker figure on September 1 stood at 196 vessels of 20.41 million dwt against 197 vessels of 21.88 mil- lion dwt in August. This figure in- cludes 51 U/VLCCs of 15.63 million dwt, representing 76 percent of the tanker tonnage and 52 percent of the overall total. Maritime Reporter/Engineering News