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Navy (continued) curement contract for MK-45 gun mounts and MK-6 ammo hoists. FMC-Northern Ordance is involved in this program. Reason given for the recommendation is the savings in long term program costs are "not worth the near term cost in addi- tional outlays." Seasheds—The House commit- tee recommends that 350 seasheds be purchased in FY 1987. The Navy's proposal is to buy 100 seasheds. Two firms qualifying as small businesses have been receiv- ing contracts to supply seasheds to the Navy. The Senate committee expressed concern that the Navy acquisition rates have been unpre- dictable—adversely affecting these small contractors. AN/SQR-17A acoustic pro- cessor—The Navy had requested funding to procure eight units in FY 1987. The House committee recom- mends an increase to 20 units. Rea- son given is more efficient produc- tion and quicker delivery which would result. AN/BLD-I microwave inter- cept receivers—The House com- mittee recommends adding procure- ment of eight AN/BLD-I units in FY 1987. Navy had not requested this procurement. Reason given for the recommendation is to encourage more efficient production and quicker delivery. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The Navy requested $10.6 billion for RDT&E programs in FY 1987. The House committee recommends a program totaling $9.1 billion and the Senate authorizes a $9.5-billion program. Details are in Exhibit 4. Penguin missile—The Senate refused to authorize the Penguin missile program, citing program costs and anticipated marginal ben- efits: Penguin is a Norwegian designed, infrared homing, anti-ship missile which would provide LAMPS MK-III helicopters with a capa- bility to attack ships and surfaced submarines. The Committee believes that in today's funding climate, Penguin is a program whose costs ($112.7 million) exceed its marginal bene- fits. Integration costs for Penguin have almost doubled ($36.0M to $66.0M) and the entire program will convert only 33 ships and 28 helicopters to employ the missile. Each ship will store only 4 mis- siles. Moreover, each helicopter will carry only one Penguin. That single missile will afford too low a probability of ship kill to warrant risking the helicopter against modern shipboard AAW defenses. Finally, the FFG-7 class ships scheduled to receive Penguin ca- pable helicopters already have the 60-mile range Harpoon anti-ship missile. Penguin, with its 20-mile range, would only marginally en- hance those ships' warfighting ca- pability. The committee recommends au- thorization of $3,994 million for the LAMPS program. No funds are provided for Penguin. Re- maining funds provided for Pen- guin should be used for helicopter modifications necessary to accom- modate the Mark-50 torpedo. A news account in Aviation Week & Space Technology predicts con- gressional approval of Penguin for FY 1987. Involved in this program are Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk in Norway and Grumman Corp. Rankine Cycle Energy Re- covery (RACER) system—The Navy has canceled RACER develop- ed for the DDG-51—a program that has support in the House. The House committee has recommended authorization of $20 million for RACER development, citing the fol- lowing: VENTILATOR GALLEY EXHAUST HOODS • 95% GREASE EXTRACTION EFFICIENCY • PUSH-BUTTON WATER-WASH CLEANING • 24-HOUR FIRE PROTECTION • NO FILTERS TO CLEAN • NO REMOVABLE PARTS • DESIGN ADAPTABILITY • STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON U.S. NAVY VESSELS With a 40 y^ar history in progressive galley ventilation, Gaylord has continued to meet the demands of the industry with advanced engineering and innovative fea- tures; preserving the worldwide Gaylord tradition of quality and expertise. Please write or call for a complete Gaylord Engineering Catalog GAYLORD INDUSTRIES, INC. P.O. BOX 558 • 9600 S.W. SEELY AVE. • WILSONVILLE, OR 97070-0558 U.S.A. PHONE 800-547-9696 • TLX/RCA 200462 GIW UR • FAX 503-682-2938 PRODUCT DIRECTORY The following is a partial listing of the most frequently used commodities and their specifications; many others are available upon request. m HARDWARE SPECIALTY CO. INC. SHIPS DIVISION 48-75 36TH STREET LONG ISLAND CITY NEW YORK 11101 TELEPHONE |718) 361-9393 TWX 710-582-2547 TELEX 12-5468 TELECOPIER (718) 937-5907 CABLE. HARDSPEC NYK Circle 156 on Reader Service Card 36 Circle 158 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News MANUFACTURERS CATALOG ITEMS ALSO AVALLABLE: ALLEN MFG Socket & Sel Screws, NULS & Kevs BETHLEHEM®—Bolts, NUB. Screws BUCKEYE FORGE—Eye Bolls, Small Forging! CHERRY - -Blind Rivets DRIVE LOK. INC—Grooved & Spring Kins GREER-SMYRNA—Nylon Insert lock Nous GROOV-P1N -Grooved & Spring Pins Inserts HELI-COIL®—Coiled S Solid Inserts KAYNAR—High Strength Aerospace LocknuLs LONG-LOK®—Self licking Fasteners NELSON—Weld Studs NYLOK® - Self Locking Fasteners PANDUIT—Cahle Ties SHAKE PROOF * —Washers S.PS, (FLEXLOC) -High Strength lock Nuts S PS (UNBRAKO)—Socket X Set Screws, Keys Pins SOUTHCO, INC —Captive Fasteners, Utches 1 4 Turn Fasteners SOUTHERN SCREW—Machine X Tapping Screws TRIDAIR -Inserts WALDES- -Retaining Rings Our Quality Control system iiii1'. the requirements of MI1.-I-43208A MI1.-STD-45M>2 and MIC Level 1 FASTENER SPECIFICATIONS: 1MB ASTMAI03 AJtr. ASM A323 A-f»i F-tisx Fvy FFS-SS MIL-B-83" MILS 1222 EYE BOLTS ASTM A-tfM MIL 1143008 MACHLNE SCREW'S FF S 02 NUTS ASTM A104 A^i.; F-to" Fs'H FF N sin MIL-B-83" MILS 1222 PHOSPHOROUS BRONZE QQ-B-750 SILICON BRONZE: ASTM B08 ASTM BOO. ALU 11 631, 033, IX) C Sfll STALNLESS STEEL: QQ-S-763. QQ S-764, WO Series VWHIK CONDB) 310 UK) COND B) 410 (4]0 HT) 410I410HT) STEEL. CARBON AND ALLOY ASTM A101. A3ir. Asm A440 FED-STD-60 Mil S80O. MII.-S-SOOO (4,<40) SAE 1420 TITANIUM MIL-Tom" PLATING SPECIFICATIONS: BUCK OXIDE: Min: H024. CI I, CI, 2 CADMIUM A ASTM AIM. 1,H,M'4|0 CERAMIC COATING MIl.-C-SPsl CHROMATE llirr DIP GALVANIZE ASTM A133 MIL FPSl HARD CHROME (.KJ-C 32u IMMERSION ZLNC FLAKE MIL C-.THs ION VAPOR DEPOSIT M1I.-C-83488 MECHANICAL GALVANIZE: ASTM BtS4 NICKEL 1,11,1 N 200 PHOSPHATE MIL P16232 ZLNC ASTM A1(H ASTM 1X>33 VQ-Z 323 SELF LOCKING SPECIFICATIONS: Mil h 18240 1.1 INF A/B, Mil N 2302" PLNS: FF-P-38(i. MIL P ](»-! Mil P 10010 RIVETS FFR-330 MI1,R 2424< SOCKET SCREWS ASTM A3~4 KK S ,80 FF S-200, FF S 210 STUDS ASTM A103 MIL II 83~ MIL S 1222 MIL S 24140 THREADED ROD ASTM A PH. MILS 1222 WASHERS ASTM F-hsu, FFW Si FFW 02 FF W 100 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: .ALUMINUM 2024 T4 oool TO AIL MINI M BRONZE W C 403 HASTEIJII) ALLOYS 112 C2~o LNC0NE1. AUDI 023. ASTM A44O K-MONEL* WN2SO MSI8110 MONEL- 41K1 ASTM BKH CI A 00 \ 2S1 (.1 A MONEL" 403 ASTM Bllx II B. W N 281. II B NAVAL BRASS QQM)7 NICKEL ALUMINUM BRONZE MIL B 241130