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Francis J. Barry Francis J. (Frank) Barry, 79 founder of the Circle Line boat tours around Manhattan, died last month at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Mr. Barry, who described him- self as a self-made man, played a leading role in the development of the Port of New York for more than 40 years. Born in Manhattan's Hell's Kitchen, he founded Circle Line Sightseeing Yachts Inc. in 1945, and was board chairman at his death. He was also owner and presi- dent of Circle Line-Statue of Liber- ty Inc. and chairman of Hudson River Day Lines, a 164-year-old company he bought in 1962. New Repair Yard Under Construction In Southern Chile For ASMAR & Partner A new shipyard now under con- struction at Punta Arenas on the most southern tip of Chile is sched- uled to begin repair operations in November this year. Named Astille- SAV I up to 300 barrels of oil per year! ELIMINATE THAT OLD STEAM HORN The Kahlenberg TRITON Piston Horn is a unique sound producing unit because it requires no compressed air and no diaphragms yet utilizes air vibrations in a tuned sound column. The unit consists of an electric motor driving a pis- ton with a cylinder similar in appearance to an air compres- sor. Very economical to operate and install. Write for bulle- tin. 92C. The KB-20 electric horn is available in 110 volt, A C. or 24 volt. D.C. for vessels up to 246' in length. KMILEI1BERG BROS. [0. 1986 Monroe St. Two Rivers, Wisconsin, 54S41 U.S.A. I I 414-793-4507 I Circle 266 on Reader Service Card 11 ED M Ml j] • j nj nj Composite bearings need two kinds of qualities First, they must be good bearing material on the inside, so they can run smoothly in water that's full of abrasives. And second, they must be tough enough on the outside to'stay put once they're in place For years, the best way to obtain these two different qualities was with two different materials. Two hardnesses of rubber in staves wasn't enough security. And combining rubber with bronze or plastic often led to trouble — something you already know, if you've ever had a rubber bearing separate from its outer shell. There's only one ideal answer. And that's one ideal bearing material: Thordon. Thordon composite bearings use a soft grade of Thordon on the inside for best wear-resistance. And al harder grade of Thordon on the outside, for ultimate mounting security. Thordon composite bearings can take all the punishment you can hand out, including running har in silt-laden water They're easier to install, too. And approved by major classification societies. Thiirilmi IT WORKS HMD. VOU REST EH5V. WRITE FOR COMPLETE PERFORMANCE DETAILS TO: THOMSON GORDON LIMITED 3225 Mainway, Burlington Ontario, Canada L7M 1A6 Telephone (416) 335-1440 Telex Number 061-8705 Circle 259 on Reader Service Card ro Estrecho de Magallanes Ltda., the new yard is a joint venture of Chilean shipbuilder and repairer, ASMAR, and Sandock-Austral of South Africa. The yard is being equipped with a 4,000-ton lifting capacity marine railway designed by Crandall Dry Dock Engineers, Inc. of Dedham, Mass. The railway will be able to accommodate vessels of up to 426 feet in overall length, 78.7 feet in beam, and having a draft of up to 19.7 feet. Since 1960, ASMAR has had a shipyard facility at Punta Arenas that has a slipway with a maximum lifting capacity of 1,000 tons, limit- ing drydocking to smaller vessels only. Repairs to larger vessels have been carried out afloat, and many merchant ships, icebreakers, supply vessels, and jackup rigs have been repaired by ASMAR in Punta Are- nas. When both yards are in operation, the Port of Punta Arenas will be able to offer almost any repair ser- vice, thereby enabling owners to avoid the 8-10 days of costly sailing to the next closest repair yard. Yamazaki New President Of Sumitomo Machinery Nick Yamazaki Nick Yamazaki, formerly vice president and chief operating officer of Sumitomo Machinery Corp. of America, Teterboro, N.J., has been promoted to president and chief ex- ecutive officer. Mr. Yamazaki replaces Taka- shi Fuji, Sumitomo Machinery president for the past two years, who has been promoted to general manager, planning department, Power Transmission Group, of Su- mitomo Machinery's parent compa- ny, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan. Sumitomo Machinery is North America's fastest-growing supplier of industrial power transmission products, including mechanical, speed reducers, and mechanical and electrical adjustable-speed drives. During the past year, the compa- ny doubled its North America sales of these products. During the same period, Sumitomo Machinery greatly expanded its North Ameri- can stocking and assembly capacity, and introduced 15 new product lines. As Sumitomo Machinery presi- dent, Mr. Yamazaki plans to ac- celerate the company's already fast growth rate and to continue to in- crease the number of the company's power transmission product lines. 6 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News