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Mill 3S Yard Patrol Craft launched at Marinette Marine Corporation. In the background, one of the 10 Torpedo Weapons Retrievers (TWRs) under contract to NAVSEA. Marinette Marine Launches First In Yard Patrol Boat Series Marinette Marine Corporation of Marinette, Wise., recently launched the YP 683 first of the 20 Yard Patrol boats under contract to the Navy's Naval Sea Systems Com- mand. This YP was the first wood- hull vessel launched at the Ma- rinette yard since 1943 when the company launched the 192-foot white pine barges for the U.S. Mari- time Commission, the yard's first contract as a shipbuilder. The Yard Patrol boats have a wood hull and aluminum super- structure. They have an overall length of 108 feet, beam of 22 feet 9 inches, and full-load draft of 5 feet 9 inches. These YPs will be used by the Navy at the Naval Academy in Annapolis for instruction in sea- manship, navigation, and marine engineering disciplines. The YPs are being built beside two Mine Countermeasure (MCM) ships, also under contract to NAV- SEA, in Marinette's 70,000-square- foot, 95-foot-high Ship Erection Building that was specifically built for construction of wood-hull ves- sels. The massive building permits complete outfitting in an environ- mentally controlled atmosphere, al- lowing vessels to be nearly complete when moved outside for launching. The YP 683 was 95-percent com- plete when launched on the yard's 200-ton shiplift, a movable docking platform capable of launching and retrieval of vessels up to 120 feet long and 200 tons displacement. The original contract for six YPs was awarded to Marinette Marine by NAVSEA in August 1984. In December of the same year, a modi- fication to the original contract was awarded to Marinette for seven ad- ditional YPs, and in September 1985 another option was exercised for seven more vessels, bringing the total contract to 20 boats. Now in its 44th year of operation, Marinette Marine is well-known for its versatility in the design and con- struction of government and com- mercial vessels of all types. For further information on Ma- rinette Marine's yard services and facilities, including free detailed lit- erature, Circle 44 on Reader Service Card YARD PATROL BOAT YP 683 Major Suppliers Main engines (2) Detroit Diesel Reduction gears (2) Twin Disc Propellers (2) ... Columbian Bronze Anchor windlass . New England Trawler Radars Raytheon Loran C & plotting system . . . .Epsco SatNav/Omega system . . Magnavox Gyrocompass Sperry Generators (2) . . Detroit/lnt'l Electric HF/VHF Harris VHF Intech UHF Rockwell Int'l Magnus Maritec Named Exclusive Marine Supplier Of Ethysorb products London-based Stay Fresh Ltd., manufacturer of Ethysorb®, the re- markable "life extender" of fresh produce, has announced a major worldwide distributor agreement with U.S.-based Magnus Maritec, a subsidiary of Economics Laboratory Inc., to supply the merchant marine and offshore industry with Ethysorb products. Stay Fresh sales director Ber- nard Mitchell commented, "This means Ethysorb protection for fresh produce stored on-board ships will soon be available in virtually every major port throughout the world." Managing director Tony Lena- han, who signed the agreement with Magnus Maritec International president Jack Finnegan, added: "Major international shipping lines traditionally supply their crews and passengers with top-quality fresh fruit and vegetables. Now, with Ethysorb protection available, they can buy more economically and at the same time significantly reduce their waste factor in this important cost area." For further information and a free color brochure on Ethysorb, Circle 17 on Reader Service Card Captain Wages Joins MSI As Director Of New Simulator Training Center Capt. C.J. (Jerry) Wages, USN (Ret.) has joined MarineSafety In- ternational, New York, N.Y., as di- rector of a new simulator training center to be established at Newport, R.I., for senior and intermediate lev- el line officers attending the U.S. Navy's Surface Warfare Officers' School (SWOS) at Newport. Con- struction of the new complex began this summer at the Aquidneck In- dustrial Park, a few miles from the Navy base. The Navy has awarded Marine- Safety a contract to train as many as 1,200 officers annually at the new center. The simulator courses will permit trainees to gain experience in handling any type of combat or support ship in any body of water or port in the world. Exercises will cov- er the full range of ship maneuvers from getting underway to docking. The simulators permit conditions such as wind, current and visibility to be controlled. Training can in- clude missions and maneuvers con- ducted in coordination with other ships as well. Joining the Navy as an enlisted man during the Korean War, Cap- tain Wages had more than 26 years of active duty including several sea commands and key training assign- ments, three years in the U.S. mer- chant marine, and five years in civil- ian maritime industry. For the past five years, he was log- istics support manager (manpower, personnel and training) for Bell Aerospace Textron in New Orleans. This followed a year as Chief of Staff to the Chief of Naval Reserve, after a year as Commander, Naval Reserve Readiness Region 10. MarineSafety International is a subsidiary of FlightSafety Interna- tional, a leading aircraft, marine and power plant training organiza- tion. At present, MarineSafety trains more than 300 merchant ma- rine officers a year at a multi-simu- lator training complex located at the LaGuardia Airport Marine Air Ter- minal in New York. For further information, includ- ing complete detailed free literature on MarineSafety courses and facili- ties, Circle 30 on Reader Service Card Newfoundland-Sweden New Joint Venture Company In order to meet the long-term needs of the petroleum industry more effectively and provide a broader service base, SeaForest Holdings Limited of Newfoundland, through its subsidiary, NORDCO Limited of St. John's, and Gota- verken Arendal Canada Ltd., a sub- sidiary of Gotaverken Arendal AB of Sweden (GVA), have announced the formation of a joint venture company aimed at a mutual ex- change of offshore-related expertise and technology. The new company, to be known as FloatEng Ltd., has been formed to assist in the development, produc- tion and marketing of floating plat- forms and modular systems. With its proven technical ability and high professional standards, FloatEng will be able to provide wide-ranging developmental and construction as- sistance to all phases offshore New- foundland. According to Frank Smith, chairman of SeaForest and presi- dent of NORDCO, and B-G Ren- borg, president of GVA Canada Ltd., the increased resources and enhanced potential for diversifica- tion provided by the new association will offer better opportunities in an increasingly competitive market. The members of FloatEng bring Considerable expertise in offshore projects to the venture—SeaForest through NORDCO's record in ma- rine engineering and technology, ice management, electronic instrumen- tation design and maintenance, re- mote sensing, and other support ser- vices to the offshore; and GVA with its high-tech experience in drilling, production and service platforms acquired through feasibility studies, conversions, and in turn-key based delivery of over 20 Offshore Units designed, engineered and built with- in GVA's own facilities. Both GVA and NORDCO have been active in the initial Hibernia studies, and plan to continue major involvement in future offshore New- foundland developments. For full information on the new joint venture, Circle 56 on Reader Service Card B-G Renborg (left), president of GVA Canada Ltd., and Frank Smith, chairman and chief executive officer of SeaForest and president of NORDCO Limited, sign papers creating the new FloatEng joint venture. 40 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News