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Free Eight-Page Brochure On Marine Powermeters Offered By Acurex Acurex Model 1600A Series Horsepower Measurement Systems consist of two major interconnected units. A shaft sensor unit that measures the torque and rpm, and a readout that displays torque, rpm, and cal- culated horsepower. Acurex Corporation, Autodata Division, Mountain View, Calif., has published a free eight-page bro- chure on "Powermeters for Marine Environments." The introduction explains that the Acurex Model 1600A Series Horsepower Measurement Systems are used to display instantaneous horsepower and rpm on large ship's main propulsion shafts. Horsepower is computed from torque and rpm. The Acurex horsepower meters are used for a variety of applications including fuel conservation system, ship's powerplant monitor, sea trials horsepower meter, twin-screw load balancing, and hull fouling determi- nation. The system mounts directly on the main propulsion shaft and re- quires only 56 cm (22 inches) of shaft length. All systems are totally precalibrated, requiring no further adjustment. The Model I600A measurement systems continuously display shaft horsepower, torque, and rpm. Features and benefits include: ready to use immediately after in- stallation; easy and rapid installa- tion; no shaft redesign or disassem- bly; shaft sensor operates in harsh environments; low maintenance; not affected by torsional pulses; and zero and full-scale calibration verifi- cation while underway. In addition to a description of the system, the publication discusses system components, operation, 1600A specifications, options, etc. For a free copy of "Powermeters for Marine Environments" from Acurex Corporation, Circle 12 on Reader Service Card Adm. Jeremiah Nominated As Director, Navy Program Planning Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger announced recently that the President has nominated Rear Adm. David E. Jeremiah, U.S. Navy, for appointment to the grade of vice admiral and assign- ment as Director, Navy Program Planning, OP-090, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Admiral Jeremiah is presently serving as Director General Planning and Pro- gramming Division, OP-90, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Liberty Cruise Applies For Title XI To Construct $11,230,000 Cruise Vessel The Maritime Administration has received a Title XI application from Liberty Cruise Line, Inc. of St. Louis, Mo., to aid in financing the construction of a 140-passenger cruise vessel. The vessel will be operated in the inland coastal waterways on the At- lantic Coast of the U.S. and in the Virgin Islands. It will measure 247 feet, have a beam of 40 feet, and a draft of 8 feet 3 inches, depth of 12 feet 6 inches, and a speed of 12 knots. The Title XI guarantee would cover $8,422,500, or about 75 per- cent of the estimated actual total cost of $11,230,000. Delivery is anticipated in 1988. "ONLY A CHOSEN FEW COULD SURVIVE THE TRIP." Marine floodlights go through a tremendous flood of adversity. Torrential storms. Rough seas. And, constant pounding. Challenges that most fixtures can't live up to. However, Phoenix Super-Rough-Service "E" Series Marine Floodlights survive long after the rest, because they're built to weather the storm. For reduced downtime, during those critical loading and unloading operations. Completely sealed to keep out dirt and water, these lights feature exclusive Multiplane Socket Mounts which allow lamps to float safely under the heavy shock and vibration conditions that can overwhelm ordinary fixtures. Plus, the copper-free aluminum housings resist salt-water corrosion to keep lamps burning brightly. Even through storms that last 40 days and 40 nights. All models accept mercury-vapor, metal-halide or high- pressure-sodium lamps. And, Phoenix offers variations for hazardous service. So, choose the survivors. Phoenix "E" Series floods. Call your Phoenix distributor, today. Or, contact PHOENIX PRODUCTS COMPANY INC., 4785 N. 27th St., Milwaukee, Wl 53209, U.SA (414) 445-^100 TELEX 910-262-3389. See the lights; you'll become a believer. px-2-5 PHOENIX Circle 154 on Reader Service Card