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Falmouth Shiprepair Moves Ahead Again With Major New Agreement Falmouth Shiprepair Limited, an A&P Appledore and Bellway joint venture, recently unveiled one of the most progressive working agree- ments in the United Kingdom ship repair industry, in an effort to speed up vessel turnaround and provide superior repair service to shipown- ers. The new major working agree- ment calls for the following meas- ures: round-the-clock shift work, as and when required, covering all trades and services; ending tradi- tional snack breaks, which will allow for continuous work; introducing utilization of labor between the four group companies; and reducing the work week from 39 to 371 - hours. In addition, the flexibility and interchangeability between all trades and sections—a major fea- ture of the highly successful restruc- turing of 1979—will be enhanced. As a vote of confidence in the future, Falmouth has approved fur- ther investment of £500,000 in vari- ous items of plant and capital equipment. The new package was strength- ened by the trade unions reaffirm- ing their approval of ships' crew working on vessels while in port and the use of temporary labor and sub- contractors as required. "The new working agreement is unique in the U.K. ship repair in- dustry and enables us to compete far more effectively with Continen- tal and North American yards," said Falmouth Shiprepair chairman Peter Nash. "We are now in a position to speed up vessel turnaround very sig- nificantly and . . . provide the ship- owner with the kind of service he expects ...," he said. The Falmouth Yard offers excep- tional deepwater facilities, and can drydock vessels of up to 100,000 dwt. For further information and a free color brochure on Falmouth's ship repair services and facilities, Circle 96 on Reader Service Card Nippon Kokan To Market Titanium-Clad Steel Plate Produced By Hot Rolling Commercial production of titani- um-clad steel plate by a new hot rolling process has begun at the Fukuyama Works of Nippon Kokan (NKK) in Japan. Clad with pure titanium, the plate features superior corrosion resistance in harsh envi- ronments, and is economical be- cause less carbon steel is used as the base plate, according to Minoro Hashimoto, president of NKK America Inc., the Japanese compa- ny's U.S. subsidiary. With recent advanced, titanium- clad steel plate applications for chemical tankers, pressure vessels, and other offshore structures that require high anti-corrosion charac- teristics has been increasing. Pre- viously, these plates had been pro- duced by an explosive bonding pro- cess. There had been a limitation on high-performance, titanium-clad plates by a normal hot rolling pro- cess because titanium and carbon steel generate brittle metallic com- pounds when heated in a high-tem- perature furnace. The new NKK product is said to have the same properties as the explosive-bonded plate through the use of a unique slab fabrication and clad rolling procedure at Fukuya- ma's ultra-large, four-story heavy plate rolling mill. The mill has the world's highest rolling load-up to 9,000 tons, according to Mr. Hashi- moto. NKK has already delivered a sample plate with a thickness of 40 mm (titanium cladding 3 mm). Available size ranges are 6-40 mm in thickness with a maximum width of up to 3,500 mm; plate will be sup- plied in a maximum length of 15 meters upon request. ASTM and other specifications are also avail- able upon request. For further information on NKK's titanium-clad steel plate, Circle 99 on Reader Service Card SAVE up to 300 barrels of oil per year! ELIMINATE THAT OLD STEAM HORN The Kahlenberg TRITON Piston Horn is a unique sound producing unit because it requires no compressed air and no diaphragms yet utilizes air vibrations in a tuned sound column. The unit consists of an electric motor driving a pis- ton with a cylinder similar in appearance to an air compres- sor. Very economical to operate and install. Write for bulle- tin. 92C. The KB-20 electric horn is available in 110 volt, A C. or 24 volt, D C. for vessels up to 246' in length. KMII.EI1BERG BROS. E0. 1986 Monroe St. I Two Rivers, Wisconsin, 54241 U.S.A. I I 414-793-4507 I Circle 179 on Reader Service Card STRONG LIGHTWEIGHT MEETS O.S.H.A. STANDARDS DOZENS OF USES Scaffold Planks Beams Headers Master Plank, an engineered wood product, is a continuous laminated veneer panel that can be cut into any required size for use as scaffold planks, beams and headers, etc. Available in standard widths. Master Plank, a wood laminate, provides strength properties superior to solid sawn wood. Warping, knotting and twisting are reduced, making the panel more consistently uniform. For more information contact: CAUSEY LUMBER CO. P.O. Box 38027-A. 7751 Lyndon Avenue Detroit. Ml 48238 Telex 23-0300. Telephone (313) 861-2523 Circle 253 on Reader Service Card Economical ORCA Sewage Treatment Systems ORCA II 42" (1067 mm) Space saving physical/ q^ ' chemical design requires 90% less space ,, than biological systems Low installation costs Simple, automatic operation Low operating and maintenance costs Reliable micro- processor control Quick delivery... 6 standard models Model ORCA 11-24 Model 11-12 11-24 11-36 II-165 11-330 11-500 Number people served 12 24 36 165 330 500 *lf low volume flush toilets are used, the number of people can be doubled. USCG certified and IMO approved Call or telex Dick Lambert for technical information, brochures or a quotation on a specific model. ENVIROVAC INC. Telephone 815/654-8300, Telex 257-415 (ENVIROVAC RKD) Toll Free (USA only) 800-435-6951 (except in IL, HI. AK) Circle 327 on Reader Service Card 6 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News