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gines developing 510 HP each at 2,100 rpm. Power for the ship's elec- trical and other systems is gener- ated by two 40-kw Detroit Diesel 371 engines with Delco generators. All of the vessel's communications and navigation equipment was re- tained including its two radars and aft control station. The Boston Harbor Commuter Service operates under the aegis of the Massachusetts State Water Transportation System and the Mass. Bay Transit Authority. The fleet now totals four ferries, increas- ing the number of daily round trips from 10 to 14. The company serves about 1,200 commuters daily and approximately 1,600 during peak summer periods. A one-way trip is $3 which includes all-day parking at the ferry landing at Hingham. Daily parking rates in Boston range from $3 to $15. The ferries also serve as feeders to the shuttle ferry serving Boston's Logan Airport. For further information on ser- vices and facilities offered by Alu- minum Boats, Circle 31 on Reader Service Card and the recent conversion of all chi- na models to a high-style design available in colors. The Microflush is a single-piece, low-profile, designer-styled vitreous china toilet available in three stock colors and 20 custom colors. It is available in round or elongated bowls, with either rear or downward discharge. It has an extremely quiet, 12-second flush cylce, and is avail- able with oak and brass appoint- ments. Stainless steel models are available where vandalism is a ma- jor concern. All of the fixtures are solid brass with triple chrome plat- ing, and are designed to reduce water consumption. Microphor also manufactures MSDs, oily water separators and monitors, sump pumps, and chlo- rine tablets for the marine market. A Harrow company, Microphor manufactures products for the ma- rine, railroad, plumbing, and cus- tom manufacturing industries. For a free copy of the new Micro- flush brochure, Circle 65 on Reader Service Card MARKISCHES WERK, HALVER AT THE HEART OF YOUR DIESEL ENGINES. Midland River Ohio Co. Moves Its First Tenn-Tom Waterway Tow Midland/Ohio River Company (ORCO), one of the nation's largest river transportation companies, moved its first tow on the Tennes- see-Tombigbee Waterway recently. ORCO and R&W Marine, a Mid- land subsidiary, carried nearly 6,000 tons of Kentucky coal in four barges for Weyerhaeuser. After the 10-day, 900-mile trip to the Port of Columbus, Miss., the coal was transferred to trucks for the final leg to the Weyerhaeuser mill, where the coal was burned with wood to produce electricity and steam. Weyerhaeuser plans to study the cost of the operation to see if it will continue to use the Tenn-Tom to bring in coal. For full details on Midland/Ohio River Company services on the Ten- nessee Tombigbee Waterway, Circle 85 on Reader Service Card Microphor Offers New Four-Color Brochure On Marine Heads Microphor, Inc. of Willits, Calif., has just published a new four-color brochure on its Microflush Marine Heads. The high-quality brochure details the broad marine applica- tions of the Microflush, which uses only one-half gallon of water per flush. The cover title of the brochure is "Distinctive Design and Proven Performance." This refers to Micro- flush marine heads having been specified and installed on yachts, tugs, workboats, barges, and plea- sure craft for more than 15 years, Circle 168 on Reader Sen/ice Card-* valve CLAIM YOUR ATTENTION TO KNOW-HOW AND EXPERIENCE IN DEVELOPING ECONOMICAL SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR DIESEL ENGINES. DO CONTACT US! Markisches Werk GmbH • P.O. Box 1442 • D-5884 Halver Phone (0 23 53) 72 274 • Telex 8 263 649 mwh d seat inserts valve springs cage assemblies valve spindles valve rotators