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Mobile Names IMS As Reseller Of Deepsea Lubricants Mobil's U.S. Marine Division has named International Marine Sales, Inc. (IMS) as a reseller of marine deepsea lubricants effective mid- March. By utilizing the IMS sales force, Mobil will reach a broader marine market to expand its supply of Mobil's premium line of marine products in the U.S. IMS, a worldwide supplier of ma- rine fuels, is located in Stamford, New York, Miami and London. Wartsila Unit Offers Vacuum Toilet System —Literature Available The successful E-vac vacuum toi- let systems, now found on more than 2,000 ships and offshore plat- forms, is manufactured by Wartsila Envirovac Systems of Helsinki, Fin- land. The company also produces the Orca II line of sewage treatment plants. While E-vac systems have been adopted for every type of ship, par- ticular attention has been drawn recently by the major orders re- ceived for installations in "superfer- ries" and cruise liners. Besides new buildings, including the biggest cruise liner ever ordered, these contracts also comprise a number of important retrofits. The special characteristics of vacuum plumbing technology—freedom from the need for natural fall, small piping, installation flexibility, and much-reduced sewage volume—are especially valued in rebuilding and conversion work. For free literature on the E-vac system, that includes a useful guide to the impact of the latest pollution- control rules, Circle 57 on Reader Service Card Ship Structure Committee Releases New Reports On Design And Safety Topics The Ship Structure Committee, an Interagency Advisory Committee dedicated to the improvement of marine structures, has recently pub- lished some new technical reports of interest to those concerned with the design and safety of ships and off- shore structures. Among the new reports are the following: SSC-317—"Determination of Strain Rates in Ship Hull Struc- tures: A Feasibility Study" This report presents a survey of existing data on shipboard stress/ strain rates. The data bases are evaluated and strain rates from ex- isting ship data are developed. SSC-321—"Survey of Experi- ence Using Reinforced Concrete in Floating Marine Structures" This report reviews applications of marine concrete structures, re- search into concrete structures, and inspection and repair of these struc- June, 1986 tures, and presents an extended bibliography on the subject. SSC-323—"Updating Fillet Weld Strength Parameters for Com- mercial Shipbuilding" This report presents a possible alternative method of assessing fil- let weld requirements to the ABS weld tables. SSC-326—"Long-Term Corro- sion Fatigue of Welded Marine Steels" This report represents a first look at corrosion fatigue by the Ship Structure Committee. It assesses those future directions that would be most fruitful for further study, approaching fatigue from both the deterministic and the probabilistic viewpoints. SSC-327—"Investigation of Steels for Improved Weldability in Ship Construction" This report is direct toward deter- mining the weld procedure and met- allurgical control necessary to devel- op adequate toughness in the weld- ment, using high-deposition rate weld procedures. This report is the third and final phase of the welding effort, and follows SSC-298 and SSC-305. For copies of the reports or fur- ther information, contact Lt. Cdr. Thomas H. Gilmour, Secretary, Ship Structure Committee, U.S. Coast Guard (G-MTH-5), 2100 Sec- ond Street S.W., Washington, D.C. 20593. Jfc MITSUBISHI OIL PURIFIER MITSUBISHI SELFJECTOR EXCELLENT-SERIES THE NAME SAYS IT ALL. The Mitsubishi Selfjector oil purification system wasn't named "Excellent" by chance. The name was chosen to reflect the superior quality of the most advanced purifiers on the market today. Purifiers that could be made only by a company with the all-round engineering capabilities of Mitsubishi. Selfjectors excel in every way possible. Their powerful separation performance enables the use of lower-grade fuels, for a considerable economic savings. Their high-tensile stainless steel bowl and simplified design make for lighter weight and easier maintenance. Their quick-response pilot valve adds sharply to reliability. Even more excellent performance can be achieved by combining the Mitsubishi Selfjector with the E-Hidens System, a system newly developed by Mitsubishi for treating high-density fuel. The Mitsubishi Marine Decanter Centrifuge can also contribute by enabling outstanding clarification of very low-grade fuel oils with high sludge content. THE MITSUBISHI SELFJECTOR EXCELLENT-SERIES. PERFORMANCE PAR EXCELLENCE, FROM MITSUBISHI. X MITSUBISHI INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION MACHINERY DIVISION 520 Madison Avenue, New York, N Y. 10022 Phone: (212) 605-2634 Telex: 420368 Circle 143 on Reader Service Card 75