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Technical Report On Liner And Bulk Planning Systems Offered By MarAd The Maritime Administration has announced the availability of a three-volume technical report, "Mi- crocomputer-Based Planning Sys- tem for Liner and Bulk Shipping Operators." Under a MarAd research and de- velopment contract, Temple, Bark- er and Sloane, Inc. (TBS) of Lexing- ton, Mass., developed two separate systems—one for liner vessels and the other for bulk carriers. Each sys- tem provides easy-to-use tools for evaluating various factors that are critical to strategic planning. Lykes Bros. Steamship Company assisted TBS in developing the sys- tem for liner operators. The Ameri- can Steamship Company, GARD, Inc., and Marine Transport Lines assisted with the bulk operator sys- tem. Copies of the report may be ob- tained from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22161. Order numbers and prices are: Ex- ecutive summary, PB86-159902/AS, $9.95; User's Guide (Liner Opera- tors), PB86-159910/AS, $16.95; User's Guide (Bulk Shipping Opera- tors), PB86-159928/AS, $16.95. Computer programs for each of the systems are available on disk- ettes from Temple, Barker and Sloane. Information on how to order these is available from MarAd; con- tact John Dumbleton at (202) 382-0350. Todd's San Pedro Yard Gets Preliminary Approval As Foreign Trade Subzone The Long Beach Harbor Commis- sion has granted the San Pedro yard of Todd Pacific Shipyards Corpora- tion permission to ask the U.S. De- partment of Commerce for approval to become part of the Port of Long Beach Foreign Trade Zone No. 50. Such a status would allow the ship- yard to import articles without pay- ing normal customs duties. According to Len Thorell, Todd vice president and general manager of the San Pedro yard, foreign trade zone status would make the facility more competitive with foreign ship- yards. During the past year, Todd has been trying to acquire ship- building contracts from friendly for- eign countries. Frank McElhill, director of ad- ministration at the San Pedro yard, estimates that it could take from four to six months before the Com- merce Department rules on Todd's application. Beclawat Offers Windows & Doors For Ships And Rigs —Literature Available Beclawat (Ontario) Ltd. in Cana- da specializes in the design and manufacture of windows and doors for the marine and surface transpor- tation industries. Since 1934 the company, with its head office and manufacturing facility in Belleville, Ontario, and a sales office in Mon- treal, has been providing customers with quality products. In addition to the popular alumi- num-framed windows, the company has met the increasingly demanding specifications of more complex ships and rigs with the introduction of steel weld-in and brass bolt-on marine windows. Cast aluminum, brass, bronze, and steel weld-in portlights are also available. Beclawat's Pyro-lite A60 and H- 120 fire-rated windows for drill rigs are approved by the American Bu- reau of Shipping, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, and the Canadian Coast Guard. They can be made in any desired size up to a maximum of 78 by 39 inches. The company's high-strength, light-weight bonded panels are suit- able for ship and drill rig applica- tions, including decking, accommo- dation partitions and doors, lockers, furniture, and wheelhouse control consoles. For further information and free literature on Beclawat's extensive product range, Circle 30 on Reader Service Card CLEAR VIEW SCREENS BALANCED WATERTIGHT WINDOWS IS FOREMOST IN THE MANUFACTURING OF QUALITY SHIPBOARD WINDOWS Aluminum, steel, bronze and brass marine windows in a variety of shapes, sizes and applications fire rated windows and doors portlights - heated glass and chemically toughened glass - wipers, anti-glare and clear view screens Brochure showing our comprehensive line of windows provided upon request. Head Office: 345 Bell Blvd., P.O. Box 884, Belleville, Ontario, Canada K8N 5B5 Phone: (613) 966-5611 Telex: 06-62245 Sales Office: 4999 St Catherine St. West, Suite 303, Westmount Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3Z 1T3 Phone: (514) 489-9733 Circle 122 on Reader Service Card A-60 DOORS PORTLIGHTS TENFJORD STEERING SYSTEMS Featuring Rotary Piston Hydraulic Steering Gears RELIABILITY • EASE OF INSTALLATION EFFICIENCY • LOW MAINTENANCE ECONOMY • SPACE SAVING Tenfjord Inc. 200 Jackson Street Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 201-798-0689 Circle 258 on Reader Service Card Dependable Cat Pumps Whether it's Saltwater Re-injection, Reverse Osmosis, Hot water injection, Rig Washdown, Accumulator Charging, Chemical Injection, or Oil Transfer, we probably have the right pump for your application. We offer a wide selection of either corrosion resistant Nickel Aluminum Bronze or 316 Stainless Steel plunger pump models and complementary accessories. Model 277 3.5 GPM 1500 PSI Model 317 4.0 GPM 2000 PSI Model 1057 10.0 GPM 1800 PSI Model 3527 23.0 GPM 2000 PSI Model 3537 36.0 GPM 1200 PSI Model 651 7.0 GPM 3000 PSI Model 1051 10.0 GPM 2200 PSI Write or call for more information. CORPORATION Cat Pumps Corporation 1681 94th Lane N.E., Mpls., MN 55434 (612) 780-5440 "Customer confidence is our greatest asset." Circle 126 on Reader Service Card 1 74 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News