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AIR ON A G-STRING Everyone loves a good cabaret. And the better the show, the better the atmosphere. Or is it? Shipboard entertainment makes heavy, and often unpredictable demands on your ship's climate control systems. And if the system is not up to it, the show could get hotter than intended. Which is why the design of an increasing number of cruise ships wisely incorporates a Flakt Climate Control System. A system designed to maintain a comfortable climate on board, regardless of the ambient temperature and humidity. Using the latest energy recovery techniques to give tangible cost savings. And our systems not only contribute to passenger (and entertainer!) comfort, they also create a safe working environment for the crew and for vital equipment from the engine room to the bridge and from the kitchens through to the living quarters. We've been specialists in climate control and venti- lation for half a century. We understand your re- quirements. And we understand that your needs tomorrow will be different from those today. Which is why we're pleased to boast the world's largest R&D organization devoted solely to air treatment and climate control. That's one reason why Flakt solutions are always so innovative. Try us. S Flakt Marine AB FOR THAT BREATH OF FRESH AIR RO. BOX 8862. S 402 7? GOTHENBURG. SWEDEN TEL INT +46-31222060 ARGENTINA • AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA BELGIUM & LUXEMBOURG BRAZIL CANADA CHILE DENMARK • EGYPT FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY • FINLAND • FRANCE • GREECE • HONGKONG INDIA ITALY - JAPAN • I ML NETHERLANDS • NORWAY PAKISTAN PEOPLE S REPUBLIC OF CHINA • PORTUGAL - REPUBLIC OF KOREA REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE SPAIN • SWEDEN • TAIWAN • TURKEY UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES VENEZUtlA- YUGOSLAVIA Circle 254 on Reader Service Card Please reveal the secrets of Flakt Climate Control MR NAME POSITION COMPANY ADDRESS COUNTRY