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Introducing DE-MAR* XT. High TBN protection in a fuel-saving diesel oil. New DE-MAR XT. Exxon's highest rated zinc-free engine oil for inland water workboats. Its 13 TBN means extra protection to neutralize acids that cause harm- ful crankcase deposits. DE-MAR XT oil will help your engines run cleaner, longer—even under the toughest conditions. And Exxon's proprietary friction-reducing addi- tives help you save fuel. DE-MAR XT oil meets the tough performance standards of leading marine main propulsion engines, including EMD, General Electric, Fairbanks-Morse, Alco and Cater- pillar 3600 series. And you can use the same oil for your auxiliary engines as well. Put DE-MAR XT to work in your engine today, and we'll put the com- puterized EXXGARD™ Oil Analysis Program to work tracking your engine's performance. We'll analyze four samples per main engine per year. Free. To find out how you can have the tough protection of new DE-MAR XT marine engine oil, call this toll-free number: 1-800-44EXXON. Or fill out the coupon and mail it back to us. E*ON Quality you can count on. * Name Title Company Please send me information on: New De-Mar XT marine oil. Free Exxgard Oil Analysis Offer. Address City ( State Zip Phone MR MAIL TO: Exxon Company, U.S.A. Room 2323AH, Box 2180 Houston, Texas 77252-2180 Circle 143 on Reader Service Card June, 1986 37