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McAlpine said. "We know what's available throughout the network, so it's now much easier to ship emer- gency parts orders from the nearest location with available stock. The system automatically reorders parts as needed to maintain optimum in- ventory levels at each facility. "We also have instant access to the latest design configurations, up- to-the-minute pricing information, and the current status of special orders," he added. "The result has been a dramatic improvement in our order fill rate, and we've been able to speed up routine parts deliveries significantly." In addition, the system is helping Fairbanks Morse make sure the cus- tomer orders and receives the right part the first time. "That isn't something we can take for granted," Mr. McAlpine said. "We haven't changed our basic phi- losophy, which has always been to completely support the equipment we sell. We offer parts and technical support for engines produced 40 or 50 years ago, as well as those cur- rently in production, and we main- tain complete records on all the engines we've ever sold. Many have had several rebuilds or have been supplied with custom components. All that information is going into the computer database. When a cus- tomer orders a part from Fairbanks Morse he can be sure it's the most modern, up-to-date part available." Another thing that hasn't changed is Fairbanks Morse's one- year replacement parts warranty. "We won't change that," Mr. McAlpine said. "Reliability is more important to ship operators today than ever before." Expanded Regional Parts And Service Facilities Fairbanks Morse has opened a Western Service Region Headquar- ters in Sparks (Reno), Nevada to better serve marine operations based on the West Coast. "The new Sparks facility includes an extensive parts distribution warehouse," Mr. McAlpine said. "People on the West Coast want to have their spare parts close by. We've also put in the necessary equipment, instrumentation and trained technicians to provide com- plete fuel injection and governor repair work. This allows us to have rebuilt and exchange assemblies in all western locations to complement the new parts inventory." A new regional service center has been opened in Chula Vista (San Diego), and the other regional parts and service facilities—in Seattle, Washington, Gretna (New Orleans), Louisiana and Norfolk, Virginia— have been expanded, upgraded and modernized. For example, the Nor- folk service center recently moved into new and larger quarters; it now offers complete engine rebuilding services, including a fully equipped fuel injection shop plus the capabili- ty or rebuilding blowers, fuel pumps and other accessory components. "Each regional service center has its own parts inventory," said Mr. McAlpine. "We've tailored their stocks carefully, so they can effi- June, 1986 ciently serve the projected needs of the engine population in their area. Regional centers also offer a reman- ufactured parts exchange program, which minimizes engine downtime and provides a means of optimizing maintenance costs. They also offer repair and return services, con- ducted by qualified personnel. Fairbanks Morse Engine Division now has approximately 60 full-time servicemen based in regional service centers—on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In unusual situations, specialists from the factory in Beloit are also available. "We also provide complete tech- nical support, backed by a broad range of engineering skills," Mr. McAlpine added. "We can help customers to modernize and update their equipment, to obtain optimum performance and incorporate the la- test design features. We work with owners to set up advanced mainte- nance planning and inspection ser- vices, and we offer maintenance contracts to match operational pro- (continued) yM HEAD-CHEST SET STOWAGE BOX Symbol No. 2924.1 (1 to 6 Compartments) Hose-McCann Telephone Co., Inc., originators and pioneers of Sound Powered telephones for marine use, has expanded their product line to include a wide variety of U.S. Navy Electrical and Mechanical products. An assortment of these products are shown here. All Hose-McCann Navy Products are manufactured, tested, and qualified in accordance with the latest Military specifications. \ SOUND-POWERED HEAD-CHEST H200/U H202/U SOUND-POWERED TELEPHONE JACK BOX G15A/B/C SOUND-POWERED TELEPHONE PLUG H39A SOUND-POWERED TELEPHONE JACK H27A ALARM BELLS & BUZZERS IC/B2S4 (Other types available) HORNS & SIRENS IC/H1S4 (Other types available) H -- JK (j&ili HOSE-McCANN TELEPHONE CO., INC. 9 SMITH STREET ENGLEW00D NEW JERSEY 07631 PHONE 201-567-2030 CABLE ADDRESS: H0SETELC0 TELEX NO 6428 37 ORIGINATORS AND PIONEERS OF SOUND POWERED TELEPHONES FOR MARINE USE Circle 142 on Reader Service Card I i 0 & fi/®v 21