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Admiral Irwin Nominated USCG Vice Commandant Secretary of Transportation Eliz- abeth H. Dole has announced that President Reagan has approved and will forward to the senate the nomination of Rear Adm. James C. Irwin, commander of the Fifth Coast Guard District, as vice com- mandant of the U.S. Coast Guard. Admiral Irwin is a 1953 graduate of the Coast Guard Academy. Be- fore taking command of the Fifth District in 1984 his duties were var- ied, both at sea and ashore. Sea duty included commanding officer on two cutters, the Eagle and Spencer. Shoreside assignments included commandant of cadets at the Acad- emy; chief of staff, Eight Coast Guard District in New Orleans; and chief, Office of Reserve, at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washing- ton. Monsanto Offers Free 12-Page Bulletin On Fluid Resistance Of Santoprene® A free 12-page technical bulletin on the "Fluid Resistance of Santo- prene®" is being offered by the Monsanto Co. of St. Louis, Mo. San- toprene thermoplastic is a family of advanced elastomers that success- fully combines performance charac- teristics of vulcanized rubber, such FULL FLOW sW^-QI II ICfC• CONNECTS give you fast, leak-tight connections. ..up to 1" tube or pipe Rugged, compact units provide unrestricted flow, no tools required to couple and uncouple Use on rigid or flexible tubing, hose and pipe SWAGELOK Tube Fitting and NPT end connections in sizes 1/41' 1/21' 3/4" and 1" Available in 316SS with Viton O-Rings, or Brass with Buna O-Rings. Other O-Ring materials available on request O-Rings changeable without disassembling body Pressures from vacuum to 10,000 psi; Temperatures to 450°F Combine stems and bodies with various end connections to meet specific needs Available through your local Authorized SWAGELOK Sales and Service Representative Crawford Fitting Company, 29500 Solon Road, Solon, Ohio 44139 Crawford Fittings (Canada), Ltd., Niagara Falls, Ontario 1985 Markad Service Co.. all rights reserved C-70t Vilon TM DuPont 1. i—,rrAl American made 5 lo 1450kw Lima MAC and Lima SER marine alternators wil provide the reliable electric power you neec net a powerful catch With 50 years ot field proyen American technology Lima a'fernators are backed by a 2 year 5000 hour P'ime Service warranty ana backed Py a Nationwide network of factory service representatives Say Make mine American when you need 'eliable marine power American alternators from the Lima Electric Company Fo' Details Contact The Lima Electric Company P 0 3o* 918 L ma Ohio 45802 J19 227- "32/ Electric Company, Inc. Circle 180 on Reader Service Card Space saving physical/ chemical design requires 90% less space than biological systems. Low installation costs Simple, automatic operation Low operating and maintenance costs Reliable micro- processor control Quick delivery... 6 standard models Model ORCA 11-24 Model 11-12 11-24 11-36 II-165 11-330 11-500 Number people served 12 24 36 165 330 500 ' ft low volume 'lush toilets are used, the number of people can be doubled USCG certified and IMO approved Call or telex Dick Lambert for technical information, brochures or a quotation on a specific model. ENVIROVAC INC. KS U.S.A. Telephone 815/654-8300. Telex 257-415 (ENVIROVAC RKD) Toll Free (USA only) 800-435-6951 (except in IL, HI, AK) as heat resistance and low compres- sion set, with the processing ease of thermoplastics. This bulletin summarizes the physical properties of Santoprene thermoplastic rubber after exposure to a variety of fluids and solvents. Immersion times were all one week at temperatures ranging from 23 °C to 150°C (73°F to 302°F), depend- ing upon the fluid. Results of these tests demonstrate that Santoprene rubber is inherently resistant to a wide variety of oils, solvents, and chemicals. In addition to an introduction and discussion, the pamphlet con- tains some seven tables on test re- sults. There is also a list of Monsan- to offices around the world where technical and sales assistance are available. For further information and a free copy of the 12-page bulletin from Monsanto, Circle 84 on Reader Service Card McAllister Brothers Appoints Everett Merrill Marine Superintendent Everett Merrill has joined McAllister Brothers Inc. Towing & Transportation as marine superin- tendent. The announcement was made by Brian A. McAllister, president, who noted that Mr. Mer- rill has been a prominent figure in the towing business of New York harbor for many years. Mr. Merrill will be responsible for the supervi- sion of repairs, maintenance, and supplies of McAllister vessels in New York harbor. Mr. Merrill started his long ca- reer as a deckhand on tugboats, and remained at sea for 17 years, taking a four-year leave for Navy duty. In 1961, he took a shore position in operations, rising to chief dispatch- er. Prior to his appointment with McAllister Brothers, he was man- ager of operations for Moran Tow- ing & Transportation. Free 48-Page Catalog Package Available On Appleton Crane Models A new, free 48-page detailed cata- log package is now available fully describing 24 models of Appleton marine cranes. Data provided for each of the 24 models includes: mechanical draw- ing showing dimensions; load charts showing outreach figures, boom an- gles and capacities; a list of standard features and optional features; plus crane selection and operational guides are clearly itemized. Each of the 24 models is described on a separate full-size data sheet for easy removal and reference. For a free copy of the Appleton 24-crane catalog package, Circle 59 on Reader Service Card 14 Circle 187 on Reader Service Card Circle 251 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News