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The largest shiplift platform in the world - 655 ft. lone by 106 ft. wide at Todd Pacific Snipyards Corporation, Los Angeles Division. OVER 99% OF ALL SHIPLIFT OPERATIONS AROUND THE WORLD ARE ON SYNCROLIFTS The greatest lifting capacity shiplift in the world - 24,000 tons for nuclear submarines at Barrow-in-Furness, England. There are very good reasons why Syncrolift is the world leader in shiplift technology with more than 160 installations in 59 countries. If you're planning a shipyard and comparing docking systems, find out why your best move is with Syncrolift.® The highest capacity per metre shiplift in the world - 200 tons per metre for launching concrete caissons at Yunotsu, Japan. .m LIFT World Leaders in Shiplift Technology PEARLSON ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 8970 S.W 87th Court, Miami. FL 33176 -USA • (305) 271-5721 • Facsimile (305) 595-5134 Mailing Address PO Box 560008 Miami, FL 33256 • USA • Telex 051-9340 SYNCROLIFT MIA Circle 115 on Reader Service Card A MEMBER OF THE GROUP Syncrolift Systems are patented in the United States and other countries.