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Pentagon Approves $216-Million Sale To Portugese Navy The Pentagon recently approved the sale of some $216-million worth of naval weapons to the Portugese Navy. According to the Pentagon, the equipment and services in the sale will be used in the Portugese Navy's new frigate construction program. If there are no Congressional ob- jections, Portugal will be offered 24 Harpoon and 24 Seasparrow mis- siles; three Phalanx guns to protect against cruise missile attacks; 72 MK-46 torpedoes and torpedo- launching systems; six advanced gas-turbine engines; associated communications gear; and spare parts. The sale, which will be overseen by the U.S. Navy, involves the fol- lowing prime contractors: Aerojet General, General Dynamics, Gener- al Electric, McDonnell Douglas, Raytheon and the Naval Ordnance Station in Louisville, Ky. Sophisticated Catcher/Processor Delivered By Halter Marine Jack Edwards, president of Halter Marine, Inc., a Trinity In- dustries company headquartered in New Orleans, has announced the delivery of the catcher/processor fishing boat Atlantic Prince (photo), built at its Moss Point, Miss., ship- yard for Lund Fisheries. Warren Lund is the principal partner of the group that owns and operates the new vessel. The Atlantic Prince has been completely outfitted with state-of- the-art fish-processing equipment. The vessel is capable of processing and freezing 275 metric tons of boxed fish, and can stay at sea for 21 days. She will have an operating crew of four, and as many as 22 packers, depending upon the partic- ular catch the vessel is fishing. Propulsion is provided by twin Caterpillar 3512 diesel engines with a total output of 1,800 bhp. The two Caterpillar 3412 gensets are each rated 460 kw. The vessel is equipped with a MARCO T-200 box thruster. Richard Taubler, naval archi- tect of Dover, Del., designed the Atlantic Prince, and Halter Marine produced the detail working draw- ings. Navigation and communications equipment includes two Furuno ra- dars, Furuno weather facsimile, Robertson automatic pilot, North- star Loran C, Datamarine and Skip- per depth sounders, and Cybernet, Motorola, and Sailor radiotele- phones. For more information on Halter Marine's facilities and capabilities, Circle 46 on Reader Service Card ATLANTIC PRINCE Major Suppliers Main engines (2) Caterpillar Engine controls Wabco Bow thruster MARCO Clutches Caterpillar Gensets (2) Caterpilla Steering system Wagner Stuffing boxes Johnson Generator control panels .Continental Shaft and stern bearings . BFGoodrich Propellers Coolidge FW pressure and sanitary systems Myers Pumps Marlow & Roper Trawl winch, net reel. anchor windlass MARCO Radars (2) Furuno Radiotelephones Cybernet, Motorola & Sailor Automatic pilot Robertson Weather facsimile Furuno Loran Northstar Depth sounders Datamarine & Skipper Freezer system Sabroe Running & navigation lights Aqua Signal Searchlight Perko Lifesaving gear RFD-Elliot Air horn Kahlenberg EPIRBS ARC Electronica New Edition Of NDT Rules Available From ABS The American Bureau of Ship- ping has announced the availability of its 1986 edition of "Rules for Nondestructive Inspection of Hull Welds (NDT Rules)." Superceding the previous 1975 edition, the new volume contains two added sections and several new appendices provid- ing more information and guidelines on the application of these rules, thus further insuring that the soundness of welds on ship hulls and other marine structures is ac- cording to ABS requirements. Orders for the new edition may be placed with the Book Order Section, American Bureau of Shipping, P.O. Box 910, Paramus, N.J. 07653; price is $23. ODECO Wins 1986 NOIA Safety In Seas Award Ocean Drilling and Exploration Company (ODECO) has received the 1986 NOIA Safety in Seas Award for its Advanced Stability and Ballast Control Facility. The announcement was made by W. Herbert Hunt, National Ocean In- dustries Association (NOIA) chair- man, and managing partner of Pen- rod Drilling Company. ODECO president Hugh J. Kel- ly accepted the NOIA safety award, sponsored by Compass Publica- tions, during NOIA's 14th Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., in April. The ODECO Advanced Stability and Ballast Control Facility, located at its corporate headquarters in New Orleans, employs a computer- driven tilt-deck simulator to teach and demonstrate the principles of Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) stability, and to teach and test offshore personnel in damage control and emergency procedures. Since ODECO's training program began in 1984, a total of 135 mas- ters, barge engineers, control room operators, and others have com- pleted the program. ODECO also is the principal sponsor of a ballast control simulator to be used by the Aberdeen Technical College in Scot- land in providing rig stability train- ing for offshore personnel working for all of the companies operating in the North Sea. "The Safety in Seas Award un- derscores the commitment of the ocean industries to make the off- shore workplace as safe as we possi- bly can," Mr Hunt said. "With its state-of-the-art ballast control si- mulator and the attendant training program, ODECO has shown us one more wav to reach our common safe- ty goal."" ODECO was unanimously select- ed from 18 nominations. Entries were evaluated on four criteria: In- novativeness, significant safety achievement, demonstrable results, and applicability to other compa- nies. Serving on the selection commit- tee were: Gerald R. Daniels, Chief of the Lease Exploration Branch, Minerals Management Ser- vice, U.S. Department of the Inter- ior; Brian T. Petty, Manager of Government Affairs, International Association of Drilling Contractors; O.J. Shirley, Manager, Explora- tion and Production Public Affairs, Shell Oil Company; and William P. DuBose IV, NOIA Environmental and Safety Coordinator. Russell F. Sammis, Managing Director of Marsh & McLennon, Inc. and Chairman of the NOIA Safety Is- sues Subcommittee, presented the award to Mr. Kelly. For further information, Circle 32 on Reader Service Card ODECO president Hugh J. Kelly, left, accepts the National Ocean Industries' Safety in Seas Award from Russell F. Sammis, chairman of the NOIA Safety Issues Subcommittee, at the organization's 14th Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. 1 12 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News