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WORLD'S LARGEST CIRCULATION TO BUYERS 1985—MARITIME REPORTER'S total circulation increased to 24,305 including a record 21,609 Buying Influence Readers. COMPARE CIRCULATION TO BUYERS MARITIME REPORTER ME/Log WATERWAYS THE JOURNAL .WORKBOAT BUYERS NON-BUYERS | 2,696 AND W 11% UNIDENTIFIABLE MIXED GROUPS Total Requested Circulation 24,305 22,745 6,873 9,985 Unrequested free copies 0 2,390 0 3,046 WORKBOAT does not report titles of all readers, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Treasurers, Purchasing Agents, etc. impossible to identify number of buyers reached. Circulation audit bureaus do not identify buyers. Identification of BUYERS is based on a 1984 survey, commissioned by MARITIME REPORTER, of over 1.000 marine sales managers who iden- tified true buyers as shoreside management, design and purchasing peo- ple in vessel operations, shipbuilding and design (naval architects). Signed and dated replies on file at MARITIME REPORTER. RECORD SALES LEADS FOR ADVERTISERS MARITIME REPORTER produces more and better sales leads than any other marine magazine... two times and three times more than the number 2 magazine. Each figure listed represents inquiries produced for an individual advertiser by MARITIME REPORTER in one year or less. PAINT CORROSION CONTROL SHIPBUILDING/REPAIR 1,033 2,147 714 613 655 570 DECK MACHINERY/ CARGO HANDLING DIESEL ENGINES 545 1,533 415 1,352 477 1,168 NAVIGATION & OILY WATER COMMUNICATIONS SEPARATORS 773 936 663 751 623 459 THE ADVERTISING LEADER In 1984, and for years, more media buyers placed more pages of advertising, for a larger number of advertisers, in MARITIME REPORTER than in No.2 ME/Log. COMPARE 1984 ADVERTISING Total ad pages Display ad p ages ia n MR MR 1,556 1,450 Mi/Log 953 Note—shows only magazine advertising 13 ME/Log issues—24 MR issues... no catalogs, buyers guides, etc. Ad pages reported in 7"x10" units for comparison. MR No. of advertisers 686 ME/tog No. of advertisers 553 NUMBER 1 THE WORLD'S MOST SUCCESSFUL MARINE MAGAZINE By their actions, the most important people in the marine industry —the readers and the advertisers — have voted MARITIME REPORTER NUMBER ONE. • WORLD'S LARGEST TOTAL REQUESTED CIRCULATION • LARGEST TOTAL US. CIRCULATION • THOUSANDS MORE BUYING INFLUENCE READERS • LARGEST NUMBER OF ADVERTISERS • LARGEST NUMBER OF AD PAGES • BEST RESULTS—LARGEST NUMBER OF INQUIRIES FOR ADVERTISERS 118 East 25th Street New York, New York 10010 212-477-6700 MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS DVERTISING SALES FORCE FOR '86