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m £ OTC '86 Steel Node K Nakamura. H Sada. T Shinke. and B An. Kobe Steel Ltd Wave Forces and Dynamic Response • Room 108 tygy continued OTC 5139 Elastic-Plastic Finite Element Analysis of Grouted Tubular Joint H.C. Rhee. Conoco Inc. Calculation of the Maximum Stress for Multi-Brace Non-Coplanar Tubular Joints N. Liang and C. Qiye, Chinese Inst of Mechanics Static and Fatigue Strength of Overlapped Cast Nonlinear Wave Load Effects on the Stochastic Behavior of Fixed Offshore Platforms J M Niedzwecki. Texas A&M U . and E W. Sandt. Naval Ocean Systems Ctr An Investigation of the Importance of Joint Probability and Directionality of Environmental Data for Platform Design J B Nielsen and O Brink-K|aer. Danish Hydraulic Inst . and C.K. Grant and R W Webb. BP Intl. Ltd. Random Responses of Semi-Submersibles: Finite Band Width Approach P Mukerji, McDermott Engineering Extreme Value Statistics and Exposure Time: A Simple Method to Establish Well Defined Design Criteria for Marine Operations K Lindemann. Det norske Veritas Analysis of the Effect of Currents on Wave Forces Measured on an Offshore Structure at Sea P Kaplan. Virginia Polytechnic Inst & State U . and M Dummer. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory Field Measurement of Tension-Leg-Type Marine Observation Buoy N Kuchida and Y. Tanigawa. Ministry of Transport, and S. Ueda, M Katayama, and M. Ozaki. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd Pile Foundations OTC Room 105 Ulstein 360 Z-Drives THROUGH-HULL Tough, reliable Ulstein Z-Drive. Fifteen years' experience. Horsepowers from 100 to 3000. MARITIME LTD. 6307 Laurel Street, Burnaby B.C., Canada V5B3B3 Tel. (604)299-7591 Telex: 043-54799 Ulstein, N-6065 Ulsteinvik, Norway, Telex: 42342 • Ulstein Schiffstechnik, Hamburg. Teletex: 17-403243 • Ulstein (UK), Edinburgh, Telex 727383 • Ulstein Singapore, Telex: 24484 Circle 132 on Reader Service Card Analysis of the Performance of Piles in Silica Sands and Carbonate Formations R G. Bea. S.I. Guttman. and S. Vahdani. PMB Systems Engineering Inc.. R.M. Meith and S. Paulson. Chevron Corp. Lateral Loading Tests on Large-Diameter Steel Pipe Piles Installed in Carbonate Rock and Soils J Hagenaar and C S. Chandrasekhar, PRC Engineering Inc. CAPWAP Analysis Increases Ability to Properly Design Piles In Calcareous Sands R.N. Dutt. Seafloor Engineers: W Teferra, Petro Drive Inc ; and W.E. Nelson. Amoco Production Co. Axial Behavior and Capacity of Driven Piles in Calcareous Sands B T.D. Lu. The Earth Technology Corp. Frictional Characteristics of Calcareous Sands from Offshore Florida R.N. Dutt. Seafloor Engineers: E.H. Doyle. Shell Development Co : S. Nandlal. Shell Oil Co.; and W B Ingram. Seafloor Engineers Shaft Frictional Resistance of Long Pipe Piles Driven into Dense Sands S-l Tsien. Chinese Inst of Mechanics Metallic Materials • Room 100 OTC 5151 Development of Non-Magnetic Drill Collar With High Stress Corrosion Resistance T. Nakazawa, T. Suzuki, T. Sakamota, Y. Yakaki, and Y. Sakamoto, Nippon Steel Corp. Severe Environment 183/8-in. 15,000-psi Wellhead C.F. Boehm Jr., Hughes Drilling Equipment Monitoring of Crack Formation and Crack Growth in Steel Structures by the Electric Field Signature Method (FSM) H. Hognestad, Ctr. for Industrial Research (SI) Corrosion and Cracking of Steel in Production of Gas With Liquid H2S and Brine A. Miyasaka, K. Dempo, and H. Ogawa, Nippon Steel Corp. High Performance Tendon for TLP Manufactured by Q & T Y. Takeshi and H. Mimura, Nippon Steel Corp. Trial Production and Material Evaluation of TLP Tension Legs I. Sakaguchi, T. Sawamura, H. Sakamoto, Y. Komizo, K. Iwata, and K. Kawai, Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd. Seafloor Surveying and Mapping • Room 202 OTC 5272 EQUIPMENT RESALES JMJ MARINE INVESTORS, the nation's leading independent financial services broker serving the maritime industry, is now offering its services in resale of vessels for owners and financial institutions. FINANCING can be arranged for qualified buyers—both domestic and international. FOLLOWING is a SAMPLING of available equipment: GG 3503 85 ft. Pusher Tug 1800 h.p. GG 4010 195 ft. Chemical Barge 10,500 bbl. GG 1009 173 ft. Supply Vessel 3000 h.p. GG 2014 118 ft. Utility Vessel 1200 h.p. GG 6011 Land Drilling Rig 20,000'cap. $600,000 New $250,000 1982 $625,000 1981 $350,000 1980 $950,000 1983 Principals only— (504) 734-0800 J* call, write, or telex Telex: 784-020 JMJ MARINE INVESTORS CORPORATION 1525 River Oaks Road East New Orleans, Louisiana 70123 Sub-Meter Accuracy With GPS C/A Code in Dynamic Applications J. Ashjaee, Trimble Navigation Ltd. A Multi-National Consortium Opportunity for Remote Sensing P.M. Maughan, Space Development Service Using Kriging to Map the Ocean Floor M. David, Ecole Polytechnique Reconnaissance Seafloor Mapping of Louisiana Nearshore Platforms for Site Characterization to Study Fate and Effects of Produced Water D C. Rhoads, Science Applications Intl Corp., and E C. Revelas and J.D. Germano, Science Applications Intl. Corp. Mapping Seafloor Geoacoustic Properties in Shallow Water From Monochromatic Pressure Field Data: Two Methods Based on Hankel Transform Inversion G.V. Frisk and J.F. Lynch, Woods Hole Oceanographic Instn., and G.J. Tango and M.F. Werby, Applied Acoustics/NORDA Applications of a New Fast Reflectivity Method to Marine Horizontal and Vertical Seismic Profiling G.J. Tango, NORDA Tuesday • 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Risers • Room 118 OTC 5163 Flexible Production Riser System for Floating Production Application in the North Sea M.J. Bouvard, Coflexip S.A., and T.R. Mahoney, North Sea Sun Oil Co. Development of a Flexible Marine Riser System K. Ishii, T. Okamoto, and N. Tachibana, The Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd., and T. Miyazaki and Y. Washio, Japan Marine Science & Technology Ctr. API Load Rating of Marine Riser Couplings: Application of RP 2R Guidelines and Supplemental Methods R. Beers and D.L. Thomas, Vetco Gray Upper Marine Riser Package J S Lim and J R Pfeifler. Vetco Gray R&D Operational Use of an Instrumented Marine Riser Joint R.J Stinner. Offshore Technology Corp., and S Katayama. Japan Drilling Co. Ltd. The Suppression of Vortex Induced Oscillation in a Marine Riser With Low Structural Damping in High Multi-Directional Currents C E Cunningham. FMC Corp. (U.K.) Ltd Circle 223 on Reader Service Card 46 (continued) Maritime Reporter/Engineering News