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Marine Machinery Association Meeting Set For Washington, April 30 The Marine Machinery Associa- tion will hold their next meeting at the Sheraton Washington (D.C.) Hotel on Wednesday, April 30. The program is scheduled as fol- lows: 9-9:15 Welcoming remarks, D.A. Marangiello, executive direc- tor, MMA. 9:15-10:15 Major General Joe Morgan, USAF, executive direc- tor for quality assurance, Defense Logistics Agency will describe programs being implemented by DLA to improve quality. 10:30-11:30 RAdm Roger B. Home, Jr. USN, deputy com- mander for industrial facilities, 2nd Management, Naval Sea Sys- tems Command, will discuss cur- rent status of industrial material improvements of NAVSEA. 11:30-1:30 Reception and Lun- cheon. Keynote speaker: Honor- able Les Aspin, member of Con- gress, 1st district of Wisconsin, Chairman of the House Commit- tee on Armed Services. Afternoon Session—Restricted 1:45-2:30 Robert McClory, re- tired veteran of 20 years service in Congress from Illinois will explain how to conduct better liaison and more effective communication with elected officials in Congress. 2:40-3:00 Business meeting—estab- lishment of working committees. 3:00-4:00 Individual committee working sessions. Registration fees for the meeting are $75 for members, $200 for non- members. The Sheraton Washing- ton will honor guaranteed rates of $110/single or $130/double from Tuesday April 29 through Saturday April 5 for those attending the MMA meeting. For hotel reserva- tions, call (202) 328-2000 no later than April 11. For further details on the April 30 meeting or on the Marine Machin- ery Association, contact the execu- tive director, MMA, 1700 K St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 or call (703) 553-1821. U.S. Naviation Names Capt. Frank Bullen Operations Manager Frank M. Cangemi, president of U.S. Navigation, Inc., has named Capt. Frank Bullen operations manager, covering the U.S. for both liner and tramp/tank operations. Mr. Bullen replaces Ian Cairns who will join Hapag-Lloyd (Ameri- ca) shortly. Mr. Bullen brings to his new position many years of ex- perience in the handling of conven- tional and RO/RO tonnage. U.S. Navigation, Inc. recently purchased by Biehl & Company, are general agents in the U.S. for The National Shipping Company of Sau- di Arabia, America-Africa Line and Scindia, and are deeply involved in tramp/tank operations in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Nor- folk, and the West Coast. FAST Systems Offers Free Brochure On Oil/Water Separators FAST Systems, Inc., St. Louis, Mo., is offering a free eight-page brochure on their PACE SM-Series oil/water separators. The publication details the con- struction, operation, equipment, de- sign, capacity and certification of the PACE marine oil/water separa- tors. The brochure comes complete with an application data chart with standard marine unit dimensions and data. The chart lists the model number, FAST Systems rated ca- pacity, USCG/IMO rated capacity, dimensions, weights, maximum suc- tion lift, maximum oil discharge head and pump motor horsepower. According to the manufacturer, PACE (Positive Accelerated Coal- escense of Emulsions) oil/water sep- arators break true emulsions. PACE units convert gray emulsions into clear water and black oil. The water is suitable for legal discharge, and the oil is concentrated to the point where it will support combustion. As an added feature, the brochure contains a detailed flow diagram of the workings of the PACE system. The diagram is numbered for simple reference to accompanying explana- tory remarks. For a free copy of the eight-page publication from FAST Systems, Circle 79 on Reader Service Card SEA CUSHIONS.® The tough foam filled fenders with the soft touch. Whether you're a vessel owner or a terminal operator, you need a fender that's not only tough, but soft enough to cushion and absorb the high energy impact of f^fS oT ship to ship transferor ship to quay berthing without hull damage i : : .t - , or overloading of dock structures. That fender is appropriately I r - t ± t* ?namecj SEA CUSHION. And it's tough because we make it that "iBJM^M:IMJ way. It's unsinkable even if punctured. It's abrasion- resistant and extremely durable, be- cause of its rugged elastomer skin. So if you have the need for some tough protection with a soft touch, SEA CUSHION is it. Sizes available for fishing vessels to ULCC's. For more information contact Seaward International: Clearbrook Industrial Park, RO. Box 98, Clearbrook, Virginia 22624, USA. [703] 667-5191, Telex: 275034^__ SEWARD UR, Telefax: (703) 667-7987. SEAWARD INTERNATIONAL. INC. Circle 197 on Reader Service Card WHERE THERE'S WORK ON THE WATER All around the world you'll find MonArk boats at work in a multitude of applications. And wherever you go, the MonArk name is synony- mous with strength, dependability and economy. MonArk offers the industry's largest selection of designs for crewboats, barges, fireboats and patrol boats, in either aluminum hull or fiberglass construction. Our engineering staff will work with you to custom design according to your specifications and needs. We've been building tough workboats for more than twenty-five years. We've proven that a MonArk boat will provide durability through the years and a better price at resale time. Where there's work on the water MonArk is there. Call us. We'd like to tell you more. MONARK IS THERE PO. Box. 210 Monticello, AR 71655 Phone: (501)367-5361 Telex 783028 Circle 129 on Reader Service Card 29