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Award, presented to the author(s) of the original technical paper of greatest value and significance to naval engineering and published in the Naval Engineers Journal dur- ing the award year; • The Frank Law Award, which recognizes unselfish contribution of time, energy, and talent to the So- ciety over a sustained period; • The Solberg Award, given an- nually to the U.S. citizen who has made the most significant contribu- tion to naval engineering through personal research carried out during or culminating in the three-year pe- riod ending in the year of considera- tion; • The Gold Medal Award, which is given annually to the U.S. citizen who, in the field of naval engineer- ing, has made the most significant engineering contribution through personal effort, or through the di- rection of others, during or culmi- nating in the five-year period end- ing in the year of consideration; • The Harold E. Saunders Award, presented annually to the U.S. citi- zen who has demonstrated produc- tivity, growth, and outstanding ac- complishment in the field of naval engineering over the years, with ul- timate wide recognition by his peers as a leader in the field and of such prestige as to merit acclamation by the naval engineering community. More than 150 companies, mili- tary commands, and other organiza- tions will exhibit their products, ser- vices, and capabilities. These dis- plays and demonstrations will rep- resent state-of-the-art technology and the latest developments of the industry that supports the develop- ment, construction, and outfitting of military and commercial vessels. Also represented will be the military laboratories and other commands that direct the programs and proj- ects engaged in expanding and mod- ernizing the U.S. Navy Fleet. TECHNICAL PROGRAM Thursday, May 1 Vice Adm. Joseph Metcalf III 9:00 am—Keynote address by Vice Adm. Joseph Metcalf III, USN, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Surface Warfare). Session 1A—Palladian Room Combat Systems I Moderator: Rear Adm. Lowell J. Holloway, USN Assistant: Cdr. William F. Bas- sett, USN 9:45 am—"An Experimental Ex- Circle 337 on Reader Service Card •> pert Weapon Direction System," by Robert L. Stewart and Douglas R. Ousborne. This paper discusses, in terms of general weapon systems operations, special requirements of real-time tactical situations, and a function- ing experimental expert weapon di- rection system, a research project that addresses the efficacy of expert systems techniques for improving effectiveness of missile employ- ments from Navy surface ships. The authors provide an overview of the current weapon direction system and associated missile employment operation as a basis for discussing timing and coordination require- ments. The paper concludes with a re- port on preliminary results from testing the experimental expert sys- tem at the engagement system land- based test site in Laurel, Md., and a summary of future plans. 10:30 am—"Master Ordnance Re- pair Applied: Standard Item 009- 67," by William A. Stimson, Cdr. Michael T. Marsh, USN, and Lt. Cdr. Richard M. Uttich, USN. The 600-ship U.S. Navy offers private shipyards an unprecedented opportunity for overhaul of surface combatants with complex combat systems. Recognizing the new chal- lenge associated with the overhaul of high-technology combat systems in the private sector, the Navy in 1983 established the master ord- nance repair (MOR) program, (continued) GENERATING SETS - The world Leader in LOW Operational Costs in HFO-operated Marine Gensets This cylinder liner will last 60000 hrs, with 24000 hrs, between overhaul, -on Heavy Fuel The M.A.N.-B&W Marine GenSets •experience -know-how -design .reliability .economy .Uni-Fuel .long life time/service/overhaul periods with guarantee The M.A.N.-B&W Marine GenSets of the "23" & "28" series -500 kW - 4000 kW at 720/750 rpm., designed for HFO-operation up to 700 cSt. M.A.N.-B&W Diesel A/S 0stervej2/DK-496O Holeby/Denmark/Telephone +45 3 90 60 26/Telecopy -t>45 3 90 66 76/Cables: oildiesel maribo/Telex: 40646 hodiel dk WORLDWIDE SERVICE