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tions. Transmitters provide pulse or analog outputs with rate and total- izer displays. Highly accurate over a wide range of flow and viscosity, the system is designed for easy installa- tion and low maintenance. For further information and com- plete literature on the new boiler fuel monitor from EMCO, Circle 17 on Reader Service Card Mid-America Marine Offers Literature On Generator And Propulsion Engines Mid-America Marine (M.A.M.) of Memphis, Tenn., which specializes in sales and service of marine and industrial generator sets, power units and propulsion engines, has made available free literature on the products and services offered by the company. Included in the package is infor- mation on the complete marine sup- ply line offered "from nuts to turbo- chargers," and fliers on custom- built generator sets and marine pro- pulsion. Also included is an "Introduction to Mid-America Marine" which ex- plains that M.A.M. can custom build any package desired to cus- tomers' specifications. Qualified technicians perform all in-house work necessary for this operation. M.A.M. handles a variety of new and rebuilt products for the market and are capable of giving service 24 hours a day with comprehensive in- ventory of marine supplies at com- petitive prices. With a "Hot Shot Truck" on call at all times, the pub- lication points out, customers are assured of fast and courteous service direct to the boat. For further information and free copies of the literature offered by Mid-America Marine, Circle 66 on Reader Service Card $20-Million Navy Contract To Westinghouse Electric For Launcher Subsystems Westinghouse Electric Corpora- tion, Sunnyvale, Calif., is being awarded a $20,000,000 cost-plus- incentive-fee contract for launcher subsystems for the Trident missile program. Work will be performed in Sunnyvale, and is expected to be completed September 1, 1991. The Strategic Systems Program Office, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00030-86-C-0040). $2.5-Million Follow-On Contract Awarded SEACOR Systems Engineering Associates Corporation (SEACOR) has been awarded contract N00140-86-D- 9457 to provide engineering and technical services in support of technical training equipment (TTE) for the Naval Sea Support Center, April, 1986 79 Atlantic (NAVSEACENLANT), Philadelphia. This is a follow-on contract to provide Navy Training Plans, Equipment Facility Require- ments Plans, Initial Outfitting of Training Activities and Technical Training Equipment engineering and logistics support. Credit for this follow-on award goes to SEACOR's team of technical writers, logisti- cians, technical artists and engi- neering technicians whose perform- ance over the past 10 years has earned SEACOR their reputation for leadership in all areas of Techni- cal Training Support. The awarded contract is valued at $2.5 million over a 30-month period. It will be managed by Thomas Weller out of SEACOR's Northern Division headquarters in Cherry Hill, N.J. Approximately 22 Techni- cal Training experts will be assigned to this contract. SEACOR specializes in providing engineering, management and tech- nical services to the Government and private industry. Presently em- ploying over 1,200 people, and oper- ating out of 23 worldwide locations, SEACOR is expanding their reputa- tion for providing responsive, quali- ty service to both DOD and commer- cial clients. Circle 88 on Reader Service Card Choosing the right shipyard to place a ship when it's in need of repairs may be puzzling for some shipowners. Particularly so, since everyone claims to be the best, most economical, fastest or most modern — a perplexing state and certainly a matter of opinion. We at Todd, being no exception, like to believe we are the best. We strive to be cost effective through increased productivity at our upgraded facilities which, in turn, allows us to offer speedier service. Another factor in Todd's favor is experience. We've had 70 well-rounded years worth and continue to seek new challenges to bolster our expertise. Todd's management and labor force are at the disposal of prospective clients around- the-clock at all of our modern and complete shipyards. Executive Offices - (212) 668-4700 Galveston Division - (409) 744-4581 San Francisco Division (415) 621-8633 Los Angeles Division - (213) 832-3361 Seattle Division - (206) 623-1635 Todd Shipyards Corporation One State Street Plaza, New York, NY 10004