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Princess Cruises-They Don't Set Sail Without Lubricants and Marine Services * Texaco quality lubricants help insure efficient * Texaco rapid lubricant analysis program helps trouble-free operation. insure optimum engine performance. • Texaco prompt deliveries help insure that the • Texaco marine engineers provide on-the-spot most demanding sailing schedules are met. technical advice and assistance world wide. Whether your ships operate on a precise timetable-like the M/V Pacific Princess and the M/V Island Princess-or on a less exacting schedule... Don't Set Sail Without Texaco Marine Products and Services — Available World Wide Texaco Inc. Texaco Ltd. International Marine Sales Dept. International Marine Sales Europe 2000 Westchester Ave. 1 Knightsbridge Green White Plains. NY 10650 London SWIX 7QJ Phone: (914) 253-4000 Phone: 01-584-5000 April, 1986 Circle 159 on Reader Service Card 73