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6th Lips Propeller Symposium Set For Netherlands In Mid-May The 6th Lips Propeller Sympo- sium will be held May 14-16, 1986, at the Congress Centre "Konings- hof" in Veldhoven, the Nether lands. The theme for the upcoming sym- posium is "Cost-Effective Propul- sion," with notable guest authors giving presentations that cover the latest developments in fuel saving technologies. Past Lips Propeller symposiums have been structured toward technical propulsive devel- opments, but the papers of the 6th symposium will be orientated to- ward vessel owners and operators. All questions regarding the sym- posium should be directed to Franz Bult, Lips B.V.—The Netherlands (011-31-416388-115). The timetable for the 6th Lips Propeller Symposium is as follows: Wednesday, May 14, 1986 2 p.m., Visit to Lips Plant, Drun- en; 4 p.m., Departure of bus to Con- gress Centre; 4 p.m., Registration; 6 p.m., Opening Ceremony; 6:15 p.m., Announcements; and 6:30 p.m., Cocktail Party. Thursday, May 15, 1986 8:45 a.m., Registration; 9:15 a.m., Word of welcome by J. Romsom, president, Lips United B.V.; 9:25 a.m., Announcements; 9:30 a.m., In- troduction by the chairman, Prof, dr J.D. van Manen, president MAR- IN (N.S.M.B.) Wageningen, the Netherlands. First Session 9:40 a.m.—Paper No. 1, "Launch- ing the Queen Elizabeth 2 into the 21st Century," (a) S.M. Novak, Cunard Line Ltd, USA; P.W.C.M. van Oirschot, Lips B.V., the Netherlands; (b) T. van Beek, Lips B.V., the Netherlands. 10:45 a.m.—Paper No. 2, "Wake Equalizing Duct, State of Develop- ment, H. Schnekluth, Technical University, Aix-la-Chapelle, West Germany. 11:15" a.m.—Paper No. 3, (a) "Modern Ship Propulsion Systems, Lay-out of Prime Mover-Power Transmission-Propeller," W. Oehl- ers, MAN-B&W, Augsburg, West Germany; (b) "Optimization of a Propulsion System With Control- lable Pitch Propeller for a RO/RO Vessel at Reduced Speed," M. Du- bourg, Navale et Commerciale Havraise Peninsulaire, France; and (c) "Icelandic Experience to Con- vert Fishing Vessels to Achieve Fuel Saving," O. Eiriksson, Iceland. 12:45 p.m.—Lunch Second Session 2 p.m.—Paper No. 4, "Overlap- ping Propellers," K.S. Min, Dae- woo Shipyard, Korea. 3:15 p.m.—Paper No. 5, "Com- puterized Propulsion Control," R. Verbeek and A. Wesselink, Lips B.V., the Netherlands. 4 p.m.—Paper No. 6, "Monitoring the Service Performance of Propel- lers and Propulsion Devices," M.F. Osborne, Shell International Ma- rine, U.K. Friday, May 16, 1986 Third Session 9:30 a.m.—Paper No. 7, "Factors Circle 337 on Reader Service Card •> Influencing the Design of Aircraft Propellers," R.M. Bass, Dowty Ro- tol Ltd., U.K. 10:15 a.m.—Paper No. 8, "The Effects of Propeller Roughness on Ships' Performance," B.R.I. Luttmer, MARIN (N.S.M.B.), the Netherlands. 11:30 a.m.—Paper No. 9, "Crab- bing Performance of Ferries," C.M. van Hooren, van der Giesen-de Noord, Shipbuilding Division, the Netherlands; J.M. Huisman, Nedlloyd Fleet Services, the Neth- erlands. 12 noon—Lunch Fourth Session 1:30 p.m.—Brain-Wave Session: Open Discussion. The discussion is steered by Anthony Fudge, Am- sterdam-based British communica- tion consultant. General introduc- tion by the chairman, Prof. dr. J.D. van Manen. The audience is en- couraged to participate. Subject No. 1, "Scale Effect in Test Results of Propellers and Fuel Saving Devices"; Subject No. 2, "Two- and Three-Bladed Propellers for Large Powers"; Subject No. 3, "Fuel Saving Propellers and De- vices at Large"; and Subject No. 4, "Cost Aspects of Effective Propul- sion." 4 p.m.—Final remarks and con- clusions 4:15 p.m.—End of Sessions 6 p.m.—Cocktails 7-9:30 p.m.—Closing Dinner • COMPLETE "FAMILY" OF CRANES...Select from 4 box boom models ranging in capacity from 5 to 70 tons... or 5 lattice boom models with 5 to 150-ton ratings. • MARINE-ENVIRONMENT QUALITY... Every Manitex SeaCrane is constructed of marine-quality components, with complete material traceability available upon customer request. • VERSATILE COMPONENT DESIGNS... permit fast servicing and easy interchangeability of com- ponents from model to model. • INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATIONS... 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