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ny S OTC '86 K/ continued Deposits in Tertiary Basic Fore-Arc Volcanic Terrains, Olympic Peninsula, Washington P C. Nisbet, Northwest Kaolin Ltd. Design of Gimbal Mounted, Heave Compensated, Hydraulic Pipe Handling Systems for Deep Ocean Mining, Offshore Oil Drilling and Deep Ocean Scientific Coring J.P. Latimer, D.C Tolefson. and R. Kaufman. Deepsea Ventures Inc Tuesday • 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. General Session—Future Worldwide Offshore Exploration Prospects • Room 118 A survey of worldwide offshore exploration prospects focuses on prospects for future exploration and includes discussion of economic and technology conditions that will be required. Leading industry spokesmen will present exploration forecasts for the coming decade Mooring Forces • Room 114 OTC 5203 An Engineering Assessment of the Validity of the Quasi-Static Approach to Semi-Submersible Mooring Design F A. Ramzan and R.W. Robinson. Brown & Root (UK) Ltd Influence of Mooring Line Damping Upon Rig Motions E Huse. Martmek Full-Scale Vessel Current Loads Data and the Impact on Design Methodologies and Similitude P A Palo. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory Analysis of the Slowly Varying Motions of a Floating Production System J E McDowall. Offshore Technology Corp The Influence of Thunderstorm Generated Rapid Wind Shift on the Design of Single Point Moorings G.J. Shoup and P A. Lunde. Cities Service Oil & Gas Corp. Dynamic Positioning of Large Tankers at Sea J.A. Pinkster. Maritime Research Inst. Netherlands Oceanography and Meteorology • Room 109 OTC 5209 Characteristics of Wave Groups in the Arabian Sea Associated With Cyclonic Activity P. Vethamony and J.S. Sastry, National Inst, of Oceanography 5210 Environment Conditions in the South China Sea Offshore Malaysia: Hindcast Study Approach O Brink-Kjaer. A. Kej. V. Cardone. L Swee. and E Pushparathnam. Danish Hydraulic Inst. 5211 Forecasting Extreme Wave Episodes Along the California Coast R.J. Seymour and D R Cayan. Scripps Inst, of Oceanography 5212 Parametric Modelling of Directional Wave Spectra N Hogben and F.C. Cobb. British Maritime Technology Ltd 5213 Surface Current Real-Time Prediction for Search and Rescue D F Paskausky. U.S. Coast Guard R&D Ctr 5214 The Results of the CODAR Offshore Remote-Sensing Project M W Spillane. Chevron. R D Crissman- M W Evans. CODAR Technology Inc.; D.E. Barrick, B.J. Lipa. Ocean Surface Research; and B Braennstrom. Saga Petroleum a s Pipeline Design • Room 108 OTC 5215 Collapse of Deepwater Pipelines S. Kyriakides and M -K Yeh. U of Texas Unsupported Offshore Pipelines Spans: Design and Operational Considerations B. Shah. Lummus-Crest Inc : J.A Mercier and C.N. White. Conoco Inc Galloping of a Circular Cylinder Near a Plane Boundary A Bokaian. Rice U A New Lift Model and Response Analysis of Underwater Line Structures Subjected to Waves K Yoshida. H Suzuki, and N. Oka. U. of Tokyo The Design and Construction of Stabilization and Protection of Subsea Pipelines and Cables Up to 600 m Water Depths A.G.M. Groothuizen. ACZ Marine Contractors BV 360 Tie-Ins in the Gulf: A Breaking Success A Lupi. Comex A Comprehensive Investigation of the Wave and Current Forces on Pipelines T Sarpkaya. U.S. Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Design and Behavior • Room 105 OTC 5222 Measured Soil-Structure Interaction Properties of Gravity Platforms N Spidsoe, SINTEF Leg Penetration Monitor Systems to Avoid the Punch-Through Accidents of Jack-Up Rigs H Tateishi and Y. Watanabe, Mitsui Ocean Development & Engineering Co. Ltd. Analysis of Existing Cyclic Vertical Load Tests for Piles in Clay J-L Briaud. Texas A&M U Non-Linear Response of Laterally Loaded Piles in Stiff Clays T.G. Davies. U. of Glasgow, and M Budhu. State U. of New York Hydraulic Fracture Testing of Cohesive Soil R F Overy. McClelland Ltd . and A R Dean. BP Intl. Ltd Case Histories: Pile Driving Offshore India D M. Stockard, Fluor Engineers Inc. Nonmetallic Materials • Room 100 OTC 5228 Wireline Tracking Tests: Evaluation of Riser and Tubing Abrasion Resistance M W Joosten. Conoco Inc. 5229 Thermoplastic Rubbers in Offshore Operations C P Rader. R.D. Banning, and J.H. Muhs, Monsanto Polymer Products Co. 5230 Evaluation of Flexible Pipes Life Expectancy Under Dynamic Conditions J. Feret and C. Bournazel. Inst Franpais du Petrole. and J. Rigaud. Coflexip 5231 Improved Thermoplastic Materials for Offshore Flexible Pipes F. Dawans, Inst. Frangais du Petrole. T. Lefevre and M. Pelisson, Coflexip S.A 5232 Laminated Rubber Properties for Structural Offshore Applications F. Sedillot, Fluor-Doris Inc.; R. Monier, C.G. Doris; and A. Stevenson. M.R.P R A Marine Minerals and Mining II • Room 202 OTC 5233 Cobalt-Rich Manganese Crust Potential of the U.S. Trust and Affiliated Territories A.L Clark. Eastwest Ctr Zentrico, Inc., 100 Fairway Court, Northvale, N| 07647 (201)767-3900 See Westfalia Oil Purifiers at Centrico's exhibit, Booth 7393, OTC '86 Circle 140 on Reader Service Card OnlyWestfalia's On-Demand Purifying ^ System Removes * \ All the Dirt and Water * x from your 1010 fuel. Whether your fuel oil is heavier or lighter than water, .J only Westfalia's two-stage Unitrol/Secutnol system assures ^ maximum purity even under widely varying feed conditions. IfcfV *** Here's why. On-demand vs timer-controlled de-sludging. JHL— Other oil purification systems are timer-controlled, which means they de-sludge only at pre-set intervals. If heavy seas stir-up the "muck" in your fuel tanks, the intervals may be too far apart. Result: dirt gets into your day tank and fuel lines, causing disastrous engine wear. . . In the Westfalia system, a unique sensor continuously monitors de-sludging intervals, discharging dirt and water only when the sediment-holding compartment is full. So there's no chance for dirt to get into your fuel because of too few de-sludgings — or fuel wastage from too-frequent de-sludgings. And either stage can be operated independently, thus adding even more flexibility. No water in fuel lines. With Westfalia's unique design, there's no way water can enter the clean fuel line. With other systems, this is a distinct possibility. Reliable purification. No matter how wide the variations in density or feed characteristics, you get the most efficient, reliable purification. Automatically, with no need for gravity disc changes. For maximum reliability we've substituted simplicity for complex electronics and intricate circuitry. Thus Westfalia purifiers are more dependable and much less likely to break down than other separators. Contact Centrico for the Westfalia system you need. Westfalia is proud to be part of the ongo- ing construction program of the new and growing U.S. Navy.