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ALCO Power Inc. 100 Orchard St. Auburn, NY 13021 Phone: (315) 253-3241 Telex: 6854528 ALCO ABUR ALCO Power Inc. 9380D Forestwood Lane Manassas, VA 22110 Phone: (703) 369-6665 Telex: 6711482 ALCO UW PAXMAN VALENTA Propulsion Power for United States Coast Guard Island Class" Patrol Boats Paxman Valenta - A high-technology engine for America's newest class of patrol boats. Compact, light and powerful, it is also a rugged, shock-proof, and combat-proven engine. Full logistic support - services, spares and training - provided within the U.S.A. by ALCO. ALCO's illustrious history includes many years of such support services to the United States Military and we at ALCO are proud to extend this support to the Paxman Valenta. Circle 337 on Reader Service Card •>