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mmmmm^mmmmmmm The largest shiplift platform in the world - 655 ft. lone by 106 ft. wide at Todd Pacific Shipyards Corporation, Los Angeles Division. OVER 990/0 OF ALL SHIPLIFT OPERATIONS AROUND THE WORLD ARE ON SYNCROLIFTS There are very good reasons why Syncrolift is the world leader in shiplift technology with more than 160 installations in 59 countries. If you're planning a shipyard and comparing docking systems, find out why your best move is with Syncrolift." ••••••IIHHHHBHHHi The highest capacity per metre shiplift in the world - 200 tons per metre for launching concrete caissons at Yunotsu, Japan. The greatest lifting capacity shiplift in the world - 24,000 tons for nuclear submarines at Barrow-in-Furness, England. LIFT World Leaders in Shiplift Technology PEARLSON ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. 8970 S.W. 87th Court, Miami, FL 33176 -USA- (305) 271-5721 • Facsimile (305) 595-5134 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 560008. Miami, FL 33256 -USA- Telex 051-9340 SYNCROLIFT MIA Circle 115 on Reader Service Card A MEMBER OF THE GROUP Syncrolift Systems are patented in the United States and other countries.