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Marine Corps League's 6th Annual Exhibition Set For July 22-24 In D.C. Managers of the Marine Corps League-sponsored "Modern Day Marine—Force in Readiness Mili- tary Exposition" have announced that over 80 percent of the 95,000 square feet of exhibit space in the Sheraton Washington Hotel has been committed for their scheduled July 22-24, 1986, military exposi- tion. Nearly all of the 115 defense con- tractors who participated in the 1985 exposition have contracted for space for the July event and many other companies are entering for the first time. The theme for this year's exhibi- tion is "Power Projection—From The Sea." This annual defense industry trade show is conducted at the Sher- aton Washington Hotel in Washing- ton, D.C. The hotel's 95,000 square feet of indoor exhibit space, along with its convenient location, make it an ideal site for this activity. Between 6,000 and 7,000 visitors are expected to tour the exhibits during the three-day exposition and to participate in related functions which will include industry techni- cal seminars, an enlisted awards luncheon and a formal banquet. Vis- Voith-Schneidei Propellers for Navy Applications Minehunting is a very delicate operation. Its success depends very largely upon the propulsion and steering system. Voith-Schneider Propulsion provides the right solution because: all propulsion and steering func- tions are combined in one system it allows optimum adjustment to all operating conditions noise emanation is low even when manoeuvering its magnetic signature is minimal its design can be adapted to suit other special requirements. How quickly and safely a combat force of a navy can be activated is determined, to a considerable extent, by the effectiveness of the ship-handling vessels involved. This is one reason why Voith Water Tractors are favoured by the navies of many countries. About 450 Voith Water Tractors now in service worldwide have proved their superiority in safety of opera- tion and ship-handling capability, backed by over 30 years of opera- tional experience. USA: Voith-Schneider America Inc., {Eli Shaprut) 159 Great Neck Road (Suite 200), Great Neck, NY. 11021 Telephone: 516-466 5755, Telex 510-221 1864 Canada: Diamond Canapower Ltd. 1122 Pioneer Road, Burlington, Ontaria L7R 4A7 Telephone: 416-335 0321 .Telex 061-8286 J.M. Voith GmbH Postfach 1940, D-7920 Heidenheim Tel. (0 73 21) 37-0, Tx. 714 799-60 VHD itors in 1985 included members of Congress and their staffs, Depart- ment of Defense officials, senior ex- ecutives of some of the nation's larg- est businesses, and more than 3,000 Marines and fellow service members from East Coast bases. An especial- ly large number of "Gator Navy" and representatives of foreign gov- ernments also were in attendance. The exposition is international in scope with participating companies from the United States, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Switzerland, Singapore and the United Kingdom. The purpose of the annual show is to provide an opportunity for pres- ent and potential defense, supply and service contractors to display and promote their products, and to provide an opportunity for the free exchange of ideas between suppliers and users. This unique marketing opportu- nity also provides three days of intense visibility to high-level deci- sion makers; facilitates the develop- ment of contacts; provides media exposure within the international defense community; influences name recognition and has special appeal to firms interested in en- hancing their reputations as major defense suppliers in U.S. and inter- national markets. In addition to the exposition, a formal reception and Grand Ban- quet will be conducted on Wednes- day, July 23, 1986. Industry technical briefings, a new feature of the 1986 exposition, will be scheduled during the show. Industry officials are encouraged to take advantage of these briefing op- portunities. Managers of the exposi- tion will aid in the development of special invitation lists designed to attract an audience with special in- terest in the subjects being pre- sented. A USMC Enlisted Awards Lun- cheon will be held on Tuesday dur- ing the exposition and will honor four enlisted Marines and one Fleet Marine Force Navy medical or den- tal corpsman for distinguished con- tributions to combat readiness in the Fleet Marine Force. As a result of the successful expe- riences in the 1984 and 1985 shows, officials of the Marine Corps League are again encouraging the concept of pavilions. These pavilions are in- tended to permit countries or indus- try groups to assemble their defense products as a single entity, complete with nationalistic or industry theme and decor. For example, a special pavilion designed to accommodate electronics manufacturers is also be- ing considered. The pavilion con- cept is designed to permit military and other decision makers an oppor- tunity to view the capabilities of each nation and manufacturing group as a single potential resource group, rather than through separate displays throughout the vast exhibit facilities. For further information regarding participation in the exposition, con- tact Becky Lower or Col. Jim Bracken, USMC (ret.), Capitol Convention and Exhibit Co., 25 S. Quaker Lane, Suite 24, Alexandria, Va. 22314. Telephone: (703) 823- 2333. Circle 290 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News