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1986 Apelco Full-Color Product Catalog Available Apelco Marine Electronics has published a full-color 1986 catalog describing a number of new, excit- ing high-tech products. Among these is a liquid crystal display (LCD) radar, the Model LDR-9900, which Apelco plans to introduce this spring. Using the newest LCD tech- nology, this is said to be the small- est, lightest, lowest-priced radar in the world. Outstanding new Apelco products also include the XCD 480 Recording LCD Fishfinder with readouts for pH, speed, temperature, depth and the ability to freeze and recall dis- plays; the FXL 400 Color Flashing Fishfinder which indicates target size and bottom hardness using a color LED analog display, and an LCD digital depth readout; and the new, compact XVC 8000 Color Vid- eo Fishfinder with dramatic eight- color picture clarity. Lorans, radio- telephones, ADF, and other flashing and chart recording echo sounders, loudhailers, and EPIRBs round out the full line of Apelco marine elec- tronics for all kinds of boats. Apelco, a Raytheon Company, of- fers an exceptional warranty and extended service program. For a free copy of the 1986 Apelco catalog, Circle 11 on Reader Service Card The widest line of marine pumps available from a single U.S. manufacturer I n WARREN PUMPS Centrifugal, Mixed Flow and Propeller Main Feed-Single Stage and Multi Stage Main Circulating Auxiliary Circulating Main Condensate Atmos. Exhaust Condenser Circulating Condensate and Drain Transfer Main Cargo Fire Fire and Bilge Fire and General Service Fire and Tank Cleaning (Butterworth) Bilge and Ballast Air Conditioning Plant Pumps Distilling Plant Pumps Refrigeration Plant Pumps Salt Water Service Swimming Pool Pump Sanitary Contaminated Evaporator Feed Fresh Water Service Hot Water and Ice Water Circulating Heating System Circulating Reciprocating Boiler Test Cargo Stripping Bilge and Ballast Stripping Port Feed Low Pressure Cam pumps for special applications Rotary Cargo and Cargo Stripping Fuel Oil Service Fuel Oil Transfer Lube Oil Service Diesel Oil Service Cargo Pipe Flushing. Cold Boiler Start Barge Pumps Backed by Warren know- how and service for over eighty-five years. Ask a Warren sales engineer for details. He probably has the an- swers to your problems. Warren Pumps Inc. Warren, MA 01083 Tel: 413 436-7711 Circle 265 on Reader Service Card-> MPMA Elects Officers For 1986 The United States Marine Prod- ucts Manufacturers' Association, Inc., held elections for officers of the Association for 1986 at a recent meeting. The following officers were elected: James E. Palmer, Baldt Incorporated, president; John M. Foulk, Lucian Q. Moffitt, Inc., first vice president; Robert E. Rogas- ki, Drew Ameroid Marine Division, second vice president; Sidney A. Lewis, Hayward Industrial Prod- ucts, Inc., secretary; and Gary W. Dayton, Bird-Johnson Company, treasurer. The United States Marine Prod- ucts Manufacturers' Association, Inc., is a trade association of over 40 member companies engaged in the manufacture of marine products in the U.S. For further information on the MPMA, contact MPMA, 1230 Keith Building, Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2180. Senate Passes Bill To Close Jones Act Loophole On December 19, 1985 the Senate passed H.R. 2466, miscellaneous maritime provisions, adopting a substitute bill. The Senate amend- ments include a provision strongly supported by AWO that would close a loophole in the Jones Act which allow foreign-flag tugs to provide assist-service for foreign-flag vessels in U.S. ports. The House began con- sideration of this bill, but was un- able to complete action before ad- journment. Carnegie Hero Medals Awarded Posthumously To Fournier, Govoni Two Carnegie Hero Medals were recently awarded posthumously to Capt. William A. Fournier and seaman Daniel J. Govoni by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission. The medallions are awarded an- nually by the commission, citing the heroic actions of one individual to save another's life. Captain Founier and Mr. Go- voni were awarded the 3-inch bronze medals for their actions on April 11 of last year, to rescue fellow crew member Richard Lisa, who was trapped in an oxygen-deficient hold of a barge owned by Penobscot Bay Towing Company of Belfast, Maine. Mr. Lisa survived the barge accident, but his two 20-year-old rescuers suffocated and drowned in two-feet of bilge water in the hold. The men were part of a crew work- ing aboard tugs and barges at the Penobscot Bay Towing Company, a subsidiary of Fournier Marine Cor- poration, at Marshall Wharf. According to Walter Rutkow- ski, assistant secretary for the Car- negie Commission, a $2,500 hono- rarium was presented to the families of Captain Fournier and Mr. Go- voni along with their medals.