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f David W. Taylor Medal was presented by SNAME president Perry W. Nelson (left) to Dr. J. Randolph Paulling Jr., pro- fessor of naval architecture at the University of California in Berkeley. Thomas B. Crowley, chairman and president of Crowley Maritime Corporation in San Francisco, was presented the Vice Adm. "Jerry" Land Medal by Maryland congresswo- man Helen D. Bentley. The Blakely Smith Medal went to John A. Mercier, senior staff naval architect at Continental Oil Company in Hous- ton. Presentation was made by Kenneth E. Wilson Jr. (left), chairman of the Awards Committee. The 93rd SNAME Annual Meeting— A Special Report At the recent 93rd Annual Meet- ing of The Society of Naval Archi- tects and Marine Engineers, honors in the form of medals, prizes, and certificates were presented to a number of members and others dur- ing ceremonies at the New York Hil- ton Hotel. The four top awards, the Taylor, Land, and Blakely Medals and the Elmer A. Sperry Award were presented at the Annual Ban- quet, at which the principal speaker was Walter F. Williams, presi- dent and chief operating officer of Bethlehem Steel Corporation. The Society's David W. Taylor Medal "for notable achievement in naval architecture and marine engi- neering" is given annually. The 1985 recipient, J. Randolph Paulling Jr., professor of naval architecture at the University of California, holds degrees from the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology and the University of California, and has been prominent on the faculty of the University of California, Berke- ley, for 30 years. A Fellow of the Society, Dr. Paulling is a profi- cient researcher in marine structure analysis and a prolific author on that and related subjects. Thomas B. Crowley, who re- ceived the annual Vice Adm. "Jer- ry" Land Medal "for outstanding accomplishment in the marine field," took the helm of Crowley Launch and Tugboat Company more than 35 years ago, and built the company from a local tug opera- tion into the diverse and worldwide Crowley Maritime of today. He is an ardent supporter of the U.S. mer- chant marine, and has been active in a number of organizations in sup- port of that goal. The Blakely Smith Medal is awarded biennially "for outstanding accomplishment in ocean engineer- ing." It was given to John A. Mer- cier, a key figure in the develop- ment and placement in the North Sea of Conoco's Tension Leg Plat- form (TLP), a gigantic engineering Former SNAME president L.V. Honsinger (left) presented the Elmer A. Sperry Award for 1985 to (L to R): George H. Plude, Carleton E. Tripp, and Richard K. Quinn. achievement that makes oil and gas production practical from waters deeper than ever before. The Elmer A. Sperry Award for 1985 was given to George H. Plude, Carleton E. Tripp, and Richard K. Quinn for design con- cepts and construction methods of the Stewart J. Cort, the first 1,000- foot, self-unloading Great Lakes bulk carrier. At the President's Luncheon held the day before the Banquet, the fol- lowing awards were presented: The Capt. Joseph H. Linnard Prize for 1985 was awarded to Rob- ert X. Caldwell, Maurice Gor- don, and Dwight K. Koops for their paper, "Two State-of-the-Art Specialty Products Ships: Design, Construction, and operation." This prize goes to the author or authors of the best paper contributed to the Transactions of the Society at its Annual Meeting of the preceding year. The best paper delivered before one of the SNAME Sections gets the Vice Adm. E.L. Cochrane Award. The 1985 prize went to Richard W. Harkins and Michael G. Par- sons for their paper, "Investigation of Fuel Injection System Cavitation Problems," delivered at the Great Lakes/Great Rivers Section in Octo- ber 1984. The Graduate Paper Honor Prize for 1985 was presented to Vassil- ios E. Theodoracatos for his pa- per, "An Experimental Study of Elastohydrodynamics of Towed Flexible Cylinders Aided by Video Image Processing." The Graduate Paper Award for 1985 was given to Charles H. God- dard and Udo H. Rowley for their paper, "Implementation of a Computer-Supported Naval Ship Design System at MIT," delivered at the New England Section in Jan- uary 1985. George A. Kriezis received the Undergraduate Paper Award for his 1985 paper, "A Computer Code for Current SNAME president Perry W. Nelson (center) is flanked by some former presidents (from left) Robert T. Young, C. Larry French, Rear Adm. Albert G. Mumma, USN (Ret), and Rear Adm L.V. Honsinger, USN (Ret). 56 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News