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First of the Nichols Brothers Boat Builders. Inc.. catamarans to go into scheduled commut- er service was the M/V CataMarin. Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding To Build Large, Fast Passenger Catamarans On The East Coast Matt Nichols, president of Ni- chols Brothers Boat Builders, Inc., and George Duclos, president of the Duclos Corporation that oper- ates Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, have announced an agreement un- der which the two companies will share the task of building large, fast, passenger-carrying catamarans in the U.S. Nichols Brothers, located on Whidbey Island, Wash., holds the U.S. license to build catamarans de- signed by International Catamarans Pty., Ltd., of Sydney, Australia. Under a sublicensing agreement, Gladding-Hearn will join with Ni- chols Brothers to promote and build the catamarans in the U.S. Glad- ding-Hearn, located in Somerset, Mass., will build those vessels that are headed for the East Coast and contiguous areas. Nichols Brothers will build those vessels generally destined for the West Coast, Alaska, and Hawaii. Nichols Brothers' catamarans are now in service along the U.S. West Coast and in Alaska. Recent deliver- ies include the 400-passenger, 30- knot CataMarin, now in scheduled commuter service, and the Gold Rush, in excursion service, both in San Francisco Bay. Nichols Broth- ers will christen a similar vessel in this month whose service will be split between San Diego and south- east Alaska. A catamaran designed to carry overnight diving parties to the Bahamas is now under construc- tion in Florida. Nichols has also negotiated a contract for a 30-meter catamaran fitted with cruising ac- commodations, the seventh catama- ran ordered since the program be- gan in 1984. The line of catamarans is based on designs developed by Interna- tional Catamarans. The Australian firm some years ago originated its basic design for vessels in ferry and excursion operations in several ar- eas of Australia, including the Great Barrier Reef. In addition to passen- ger carrying versions, the basic cata- maran design has been applied to work and utility craft, fire and pa- trol boats, and offeshore oil well ser- vice boats. Catamarans designed by Interna- tional Catamarans span a range be- tween 12-meter utility boats to boats longer than 30 meters and capable of carrying upwards of 500 passengers. They have also been de- signed for economy and simplicity of operation, maintenance, and overhaul. Among other features, passenger cabins are mounted to the twin hulls with the use of rubber and steel shock connections. This method sharply reduces noise and vibration. The symmetrical, fine displacement hulls have been tested for speeds up to 40 knots, and for operation in heavy sea states. Gladding-Hearn was founded in Massachusetts in 1955, with George Duclos as one of the founding partners. Over the years, the yard has specilized in aluminum fabrication, according to Mr. Du- clos. "We feel particularly fortunate in associating with another, strongly family-oriented enterprise in the Nichols Brothers firm," Mr. Du- clos said. Mr. Duclos's wife, Pau- line, is office manager. Their son, John, a graduate of the Kings Point Maritime Academy and holder of a master's degree in naval architecture from the Univer- sity of Michigan, manages the ship- yard's operation. Mr. Duclos said that about half of his firm's present business in- volves 60-foot aluminum yachts. He said that the yard will bring its experience in fine yacht finishing to building passenger-type catama- rans. Galdding-Hearn also builds aluminum structures used on an OEM basis by Boston Whalers. The yard has made a name for itself with pilot boats, recently de- livering the Sandy Hook Pilot Boat. Mr. Duclos said that two similar boats are under construction in the yard—a 55-foot search and rescue boat for Bermuda, and a 52-foot pilot boat for the Corpus Christi Pilots in Texas. Other recent passenger vessels turned out by Gladding-Hearn in- clude a vessel operating in Newport, R.I., and a vessel operated by Cor- nell University, New York. For further information, Circle 17 on Reader Service Card Raytheon Receives $5-Million Modification To Previous Contract Raytheon Company, Equipment Division, Wayland, Mass., is being awarded a $5,000,000 modification to a previously awarded cost-plus- award-fee contract for incremental funding for the relocatable over- the-horizon radar system. Work will be performed in Wayland, Mass., and is expected to be completed in May of 1988. Twenty bids were soli- cited and three offers were received. The Space and Naval Warfare Sys- tems Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00039- 84-C-0049). Navy Awards Rockwell $16.2-Million Navigation Systems Contract Rockwell International Corpora- tion, Anaheim, Calif., is being awarded a $16,223,000 cost-plus- fixe-fee contract for FY-86 technical support for the MK-2 Ships Inter- nal Navigation System (SINS) and the Electrostatically Supported Gyro Monitor (ESGM) and asso- ciated technical data and reports. Work will be performed in Anaheim and is expected to be completed in September 1986. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024-86-C-4000). Free Literature Describes New Repair Compounds From Philadelphia Resins Three new materials have been formulated by Philadelphia Resins, Montgomeryville, Pa., to resist abrasion, impact, cavitation and corrosion at elevated temperatures and in adverse environments. De- veloped especially for high-temper- ature, high-friction aerospace, ma- rine and industrial applications, these easy-to-use materials include an alloy paste, a ceramic repair liq- uid and a ceramic repair putty. Phillybond® Super Alloy is a tita- nium-based compound, used to re- condition compressor housings, pro- pulsion shafting, valve bodies and other equipment which must oper- ate in adverse environments with temperatures between —100° to 500°F. In addition to permanently repairing and protecting marine, in- dustrial and aircraft components made from steel, aluminum, brass, carbides, zinc and zinc alloys, this new compound bonds dissimilar metals without galvanic corrosion problems. After curing for 18 hours at 72°F, it may be machined and finished with standard metalwork- ing equipment. Phillybond® Ceramic Repair Put- ty and Phillybond® Ceramic Repair Liquid are specialty repair com- pounds, developed for coating, lin- ing and protecting pump casings, valves and other new or worn equip- ment subjected to friction, corro- sion/erosion and cavitation. With convenient, long-term repairs of worn metal surfaces on-site, the brushable liquid and the nonsagging trowelable putty reduce downtime in repairing vital machinery. Their useful thermal envelope is also -100° to 500°F. For free literature containing complete information on these products, Circle 45 on Reader Service Card ODECO Elects Kilpatrick Executive Vice President James L. Kilpatrick James L, Kilpatrick, a veteran of more than a quarter century of offshore oil and gas and contract drilling operations, has been elected executive vice president of Ocean Drilling & Exploration Company (ODECO). Hugh J. Kelly, ODECO presi- dent and chief executive officer, said Mr. Kilpatrick will be respon- sible for all of the company's operat- ing divisions and subsidiaries, in- cluding Sub Sea International, Inc., one of the world's largest underwat- er contractors. Mr. Kilpatrick, a native of Hay- nesville, La., is a petroleum engi- neering graduate of Louisiana Tech University. He joined ODECO in 1960 as a production engineer after serving three years with Murphy Oil Corporation of El Dorado, Ark. He subsequently served as assist- ant to the vice president in charge of the company's Drilling and Marine Division; coordinator of Foreign Op- erations, and general manager of the Drilling Department. Mr. Kilpatrick was elected a vice president of the company in 1968 and senior vice president in 1971. He has served on ODECO's board of directors since 1974. Headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana, ODECO operates one of the world's largest fleets of mobile offshore drilling units, explores for and produces substantial oil and gas reserves and conducts worldwide di- ving operations through Sub Sea International. 6 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News