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ELECTRONICS UPDATE Saab Electronics Introduces TankRadar —Literature Available Saab Marine Electronics AB of Gothenburg, Sweden, has been sup- plying radar-type level gauging sys- tems for over ten years. Originally, the system's only function was to measure level. However, with the price of crude oil and refined prod- ucts continually climbing, Saab re- alized the need for something more. Their newest addition is TankRa- dar. TankRadar is built more accu- rately to compute the quantity (val- ue) of an owner's "seagoing product inventory." This result is achieved with a combination of level mea- surement accuracy (plus or minus 5mm over 30 meters) and cargo tem- perature measurement in each tank. Level and temperature data is mul- tiplexed from the radar transmitter to the processor unit in the control room via the same 3 pair cable. The processor takes the data, as well as an inserted cargo density figure and displays level, temperature, cargo weight and volume at the processor or on 20-inch color CRT(s). In that manner, data from all tanks and all products onboard can be computed. By connecting an on-line printer, a total cargo manifest can be pre- pared quickly and with great accu- racy. Safety considerations can also be handled by TankRadar. By feeding data into a loading computer, the ship's structural integrity is always assured. Inert gas pressures and high or low level and temperature alarms for each tank can be moni- tored via the same CCRT(s) or at the processor. Saab TankRadar is also capable of performing control functions. Several systems have been installed where TankRadar is connected to cargo pumps and cargo/ballast valves. Control of the pumps and valves is accomplished via keyboard entries and CCRT monitoring. This can be set up to control digitally (on-off) or analog (0-100 percent) for both pumps and valves. The software is written in such a way that each command must be visual- ly verified on the CCRT before it is initiated. That indicates the greatest possible margin of safety by always requiring operator input and always allowing operator interven- tion in the event of an equipment malfunction or a human error. Recently, some very advanced systems have been offered which include the maximum automatic control. An operator can program parameters for desired cargo han- dling time, trim/list limits, cargo handling patterns, pumping rates, etc., and then initiate the sequence. From there, the software will con- trol all aspects of cargo handling within the operator-entered param- eters. Once again, the software is written with all safety considera- tions being given top priority. For all devices that are controlled by Saab's processor, a back-up panel can be provided. In the event of a micro-processor malfunction or a Alden Electronics, Inc., West- boro, Mass., has recently introduced the Alden Tactical Facsimile Re- corder, Model 9315TR. This new recorder is said to be the only unit designed to receive both teleprinter and facsimile data as a combined capability, making it useful for mo- bile and tactical applications. Small and compact, the 9315TR is light- weight and comes with its own hand carry case. Packed in the case with the 9315TR is its receive antenna for 2- to 30-MHz operation and operating supplies. With its built-in synthesized radio, the 9315TR is power failure, the panel will allow manual control of the connected pumps, valves, etc. Adding capabilities has not added maintenance or repair costs. The system continues to require little or no maintenance and when repairs are necessary, they can be accom- plished at the processor or from on deck. There is never a need to enter a tank and repairs are possible dur- ing any condition of loading, dis- charge or voyage. In the economic climate sur- rounding tanker operations, any system that saves time, saves mon- ey. If an operator can project lower operating costs he can offer a more competitive rate to a potential char- terer. If his rates are competitive enough, his ship keeps running. Saab TankRadar offers measure- ment of a shipboard inventory with excellent accuracy, reliability and repairability. At the same time the system can reduce manpower re- quirements by using automation to any extent that the owner desires. For additional information and free literature on Saab's TankRa- dar, Circle 94 on Reader Service Card able to receive worldwide HF broad- casts. The Alden 9315TR Tactical Re- corder receives weather charts at World Meteorological Standards and radioteleprinter transmissions on dry thermal paper. To provide easy tuning, the recorder has a unique LCD screen that shows RTTY characters as they are re- ceived. For complete information and free literature on the new recorder from Alden Electronics, Circle 18 on Reader Service Card • D n - on Alden Electronics Introduces Tactical Facsimile Receiver —Free Literature Available Saab's TankRadar System Furuno Introduces Digitized Small Radar —Literature Available The new Furuno Model 1700 is a technically advanced small radar combining a fully digitized non fad- ing display with Furuno's micro- wave IC circuitry that significantly improves operating reliability and receiver sensitivity. Furuno reports unequaled per- formance in this class of compact radar. The multilevel quantization circuits recognize four distinct sig- nal return levels—not just one— that eliminate "broken up" picture problems. The 9-inch diagonal CRT and bright green phosphor provide crisp daylight viewing of radar tar- gets throughout the Vi to 16-mile range, as well as on-screen readout of all system operational data. The Model 1700 is also compact and lightweight, making it the ideal radar for small commercial vessels. The display, at just 10 inches high by 12.2 inches wide by 10.4 inches deep including mounting bracket, will fit any installation requirement. The majority of controls are sealed membrane keypads for extra long life. The sleek, low windage radome is only 24 inches in diameter by 13.6 inches high and weighs only 24 '/a pounds so that it is almost unnotice- able up the mast. Built-in electronic bearing line (EBL), electronic variable range marker (EVRM), interference rejec- tion circuitry, sea and rain clutter controls, and automatic selection of pulse length/pulse repetition rate to optimize picture quality on any range are all standard features. Op- eration is from either 12 or 24 VDC systems, and power drain is 45 W. For further literature containing full information, Circle 22 on Reader Service Card January 15, 1986 33