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Newman's Offers New Brochure On Complete Line Of Ball Valves Newman's Inc., headquartered in Tulsa, has available a new four-page brochure detailing NEWCO ball valves specifically designed for high-reliability operation in the oil, petrochemical, and related indus- tries. It has been formatted with line drawings for ease in selection and order placement. This informative brochure fea- tures both the NEWCO floating ball and trunnion-mounted ball valves. Floating ball valves are available in sizes 2 through 12 inches, ANSI pressure classes 150 and 300, full port and regular port. Full port and reduced port trunnion-mounted ball valves are available in sizes 14 through 24 inches, ANSI pressure classes 150 and 300, and full port in sizes 2 through 4 inches, ANSI pres- sure class 600. All NEWCO ball valves are available in a wide range of body and trim materials, and all comply with API 6D and ANSI B16.34. NEWCO ball valves are manufac- tured in a facility equipped to per- form life cycle testing and fire test- ing to various standards, in addition to the usual manufacturing and test equipment. Stringent quality assur- ance standards are met with pro- duction control set to Newman's The perfect match The choice of an engine is made not only on the performance on the test bench but also, and above all, on the guarantee of getting good results at sea. BAUDOUIN has the means of fulfilling this obligation. BAUDOUIN designs, manufactures and guarantees the complete propulsive system. BAUDOUIN, together with the customer or the shipyard, adapts the propulsive system individually to each vessel. BAUDOUIN verifies the performances obtained on the vessel (speed and bollard pull). BAUDOUIN has a world-wide agent network ready to intervene anywhere, at any time. 'j MOTEURS BAUDOUIN: The better half. omoMifflrag BRUD0UII1 165. Boulevard de PONT-DE-VIVAUX 13010 MARSEILLE FRANCE TEL. (91) 79 90.91 TELE* MOBOD A 410 944 F Would you need information, call: US SALES OFFICE GEC DIESELS DORMAN-BAUDOUIN c/o Ruston Gas Turbines Inc. 15950 Park Row HOUSTON Tel. 713.492.0222 TEXAS - 77 218 Tlx. 775 607 HOU Dealers' enquiries welcome. Need more power? Call the experts i 1 * Uj Haynes stocks current engines and support equip- ment for your power needs; Fairbanks-Morse, Cooper, E.M.D., and other engines are available for all applica- tions. Haynes is geared to meet most emergencies. Quickly dispatched service crews with in-depth diesel power ex- perience can help minimize your expensive downtime. The Adeco Fuel Systems Division with its precision equipment, such as the Merlin calibration stand, can in- crease efficiency and reduce the maintenance of your prime mover. Adeco's calibration of your system leads to faster pump installation, better combustion efficien- cy, optimal cylinder loading, reduced injector and power parts wear, rapid turnaround, and price incentives for complete engine sets. Please write or phone for more details. HAYNES Corporation ADECO Fuel Systems P.O. Box 179/ Jackson, Ml 49204 (517 ) 764-5600 Telex: 230-223425 HAYNES ENG JKN Haynes... the diesel power specialists Circle 251 on Reader Service Card Circle 118 on Reader Service Card specifications. Newman's engineer- ing staff is available at all times for consultations on customers' special requirements. For further information and a free copy of the new brochure, Circle 45 on Reader Service Card MEL Awarded $42.9-Million Contract From Ministry Of Defence MEL, a division of Philips Elec- tronic and Associated Industries Ltd., has been awarded a Ministry of Defence naval contract in excess of £30 million (approximately $42.9 million). The fixed-price contract is for the supply of new electronic sup- port measures (ESM) for an update program covering 'Oberon' Class diesel electric submarines and nu- clear-powered SSN Class subma- rines and support facilities. Eight major companies competed for the submarine EW contract. Be- ing awarded the Royal Navy con- tract places MEL in a strong posi- tion to bid for further MoD con- tracts and to pursue export work. For further information about MEL and their products, Circle 40 on Reader Service Card Royal Navy Purchases Raytheon Bathy System —Literature Available The British Royal Navy has pur- chased a deepwater bathy system from Raytheon Ocean Systems Company, East Providence, R.I., and installed it aboard the HMS Challenger, a new seabed operations vessel. The Challenger is one of the world's most technologically ad- vanced hydrographic vessels. It fea- tures the very latest in equipment and systems and is designed to search, inspect, and recover objects on the seabed at great depths. The Raytheon system is modular and comprised of standard company instruments integrated into a highly compatible unit. The bathy system includes a 12-kHz transducer, corre- lation echo sounder processor, mod- el LSR-1811 line scan recorder, switch panel, sonar transceiver, pre- cision depth digitizer, and onboard computers. The profiling system has the pow- er and processing capabilities for deepwater surveys, yet can perform equally well in shallower coastal waters. Rugged and flexible, it meets specific survey needs while maintaining performance and appli- cation versatility. Advanced electronics throughout the Challenger have resulted in a number of distinctive characteris- tics, including a sophisticated dy- namic positioning system, unusual propulsion and maneuvering, and high-power generation capabilities. At sea since 1984, the ship has already demonstrated unique abili- ties. For further literature containing full information, Circle 32 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News Circle 344 on Reader Service Card MARINE REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT CUSTOM FABRICATED MARINE REFRIGERATION OR AIR CONDITIONING COMPRESSOR AND CHILLER UNITS WITH CAPACITIES FROM 1 TON UPWARD AT VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES. COMPLETE PACKAGED UNITS. PRE-WIRED PRE-PIPED. PRESSURE TESTED, RUN TESTED AND READY FOR INSTALLATION OUR STANDARD LINE OFFERS: • WATER COOLED CONDENSERS WITH 9O/IOCUPRO—NICKEL TUBES AND TUBE SHEETS. BRONZE HEADS. ZINC ANODES •US MANUFACTURED COMPRESSORS. BELT. DIRECT. A C. OR D C DRIVE • FULL GAUGE BOARD WITH SHUT-OFF VALVES. • ALL REFRIGERANT PIPING PURGED WITH NITROGEN DURING BRAZING PRO- CESSES • RECEIVER LIQUID LEVEL INDICATOR, THERMOMETER, FILTER DRIERS AND SUCTION LIQUID HEAT EXCHANGER SHUT-OFF VALVES RELIEF VALVES. RUP- TURE DISCS. • COMBINATION STARTER (DRIP PROOF) WITH MCP CIRCUIT BREAKER PROTEC- TION • CONTROL PANEL (DRIP PROOF) WITH TROUBLE INDICATING LIGHTS. • UNITS MANUFACTURED TO U.S.C.G., A.B. S , NAVY MIL-R-16743E OR COMMERCIAL STANDARDS. • CUSTOM FABRICATION OF DISASSEM- BLED PACKAGES FOR EASIER RIGGING INTO PLACE ONBOARD VESSEL. • FAST DELIVERY AND ON TIME PERFOR- MANCE. OUR CLIENTS INCLUDE: APEX MARINE CORP ALL SEAS LOBSTER CO CONSOLIDATED EDISON CORP DYE SPECIALTIES CORP GULF SHIPPING IMMONTCORP JACKSONVILLE SHIPYARDS NORFOLK SHIPYARDS PUERTO RICAN MARINE PEPPERIDGE FARMS SCHMID PHARMACEUTICAL SUN TRANSPORTATION INC. U S ARMY U.S. COASTGUARD U.S. NAVY MECHANICAL ANYWHERE RESOURCES, INC. ANYTIME 210 WEST SIDE AVE. JERSEY CITY, N.J. 07305 FOR FAST RESPONSE CALL: 201-653-0982 (24 HOURS)