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Newport News/lntelmach Introduce The IM (Intelligent Machine) Series Artificial Intelligence, voice tech- nology, and interactive video are now uniquely joined in a new family of affordable microcomputer-based authoring and application delivery systems called the IM (Intelligent Machine) Series. Jointly offered by Newport News Shipbuilding, a Tenneco subsidiary, and Intelmach Corporation, the IM systems are ideal for developing and delivering training, consultation, di- agnostic, and information kiosk ap- plications. This sophisticated com- bination of hardware and software turns an IBM PC, PC/XT, PC/AT, and compatible microcomputers into an intelligent workstation. The IM Series consists of three upwardly compatible models, each containing an expert system shell. The IM-1000 features voice output, high-resolution graphics and anima- tion. IM-2000 includes these fea- tures and adds interactive videodisc technology. The most powerful sys- tem, IM-3000, has all the IM-1000 and IM-2000 capabilities as well as voice recognition and voice author- ing. Versions cost less than $10,000 for the basic system models. For further information, Circle 54 on Reader Service Card 12 Oil Firms Form Quality Assurance Company Twelve oil companies operating in the North Sea have formed a joint venture company to assure a uni- form standard for quality systems and production appraisal of vendor companies, according to the Scot- tish Development Agency. Quality Assurance Service Com- pany Ltd. (QUASCO) began operat- ing in September to examine pro- spective suppliers' production capa- bilities, organizational resources and the degree of compliance with quality assurance systems in the British Standard BS 5750. The founding companies are Shell, Esso, BP, Britoil, British Gas, Mobil, Phillips, Texaco, Conoco, Occidental and Monsanto. The company was formed to streamline the efficiency of existing quality control systems and has the backing of government and trade associa- tions. NRL Names Bradley New Superintendent, Acoustics Division Dr. David Leslie Bradley re- cently became the new superinten- dent of the Acoustics Division of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) of Washington, D.C. NRL's Acous- tics Division participates in the Navy's Undersea Warfare Program. Dr. Bradley began working for the Federal Government in 1960 at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory (now the Naval Surface Weapons Center) in White Oak, Md. Since then, he has been employed at the Naval Ocean Research and Devel- opment Activity and at the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OP- NAV). From 1982 until he received his NRL appointment, he headed the Geophysical Sciences Division at the Office of Naval Research. Dr. Bradley holds a B.S. degree in physics from Michigan Techno- logical University, a M.S. degree from Michigan State University, and a Ph.D. in applied physics (un- derwater acoustics) from Catholic University. A member of the Acous- tical Society of America and the D.C. Chapter of the Acoustical So- ciety of America, Dr. Bradley has written approximately 50 articles for publications. New Portable Transmitter Provides Emergency Shutdown Control —Literature Available John B. Smyth, vice president, Ederer Unitec Division of Ederer Incorporated (Ederer and Washing- ton cranes), recently unveiled a new product said to provide improved safety, reduced potential of environ- mental damage, increased produc- tivity and reduced maintenance and repair costs. This small portable transmitter, operating on a UHF radio frequency encoded with a highly secure digital signal, is capable of stopping and starting various types of equipment, valves, conveyors, pumps, automat- ed chemical processing lines, robots, electrical apparatus as well as open- ing and closing gates and operating signals. According to a company spokes- man, this system can improve the operating safety of chemical plants, oil and gas transferring from shore to ship and ship to shore, bulk mate- rial handling in port grain elevators and ship loaders by allowing the remote, and therefore faster and safer, shutdown of various pumping, conveying and/or processing ma- chinery when an unsafe or emergen- cy condition occurs. The transmitter is contained in a high impact ABS and nylon com- posite case 3.5 inches by 7 inches by 1.75 inches, and weighs approxi- mately two pounds including its re- chargeable nicad battery. The re- ceiver is approximately 4.5 inches by 8 inches by 10 inches and weighs only 10 pounds and can be installed most often in one hour. For further literature containing full information, Circle 48 on Reader Service Card Duramax Introduces Two New Styles Of Tow-Knees —Literature Available The Johnson Rubber Company, Duramax Marine Division, has in- troduced two new styles of impact absorbing tow-knee pusher plates. The firm, which currently markets a standard single pad tow-knee, now offers new double and precurved styles. New Duramax double tow-knees feature two thick nitrile rubber pads securely vulcanized to either steel or aluminum plate, providing double the protection of a single tow-knee. These plates which measure 20 inches wide by 36 inches long are available in steel thicknesses of V\ x h - or % -inch. New Duramax precurved style tow-knees provide excellent front- side protection for workboats as well as excellent corner protection. The 2-inch-thick rubber pad of the new precurved style is also securely vul- canized to either a steel or alumi- num 10-inch-wide plate. As with the double tow-knees, the new pre- curved style is offered in three dif- ferent plate thicknesses. Single tow-knee steel or alumi- num plates measure 36 inches long and are offered in 10-inch or 13V2- inch widths. Again plate thickness varies from Vi -inch to 3/i -inch. For free literature on the new tow-knee pusher plates from John- son Rubber's Duramax Marine Di- vision, Circle 23 on Reader Service Card to make your ship bigger and better. man building new ships are jumboizing and repowering. We are experts at jumboizing. We prefabricate and preoutfit the new sections in advance. We'll bring your ship ashore, cut it in half, insert the new portion, and you will be back in service in 10 to 13 weeks, depending on the size and type of ship. We've done it before, more times than any other yard Need new engines? We can do that too. We built the last U.S. ships with steam plants and the first with slow- speed diesels Try us. We're Pennsylvania Shipbuilding. Write Marketing Department, P.O. Box 442. Chester, PA 19016. Call: (215) 499-2008. Telex: 834226 (PENN SHIP CHER). Circle 171 on Reader Service Card