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ration, who was unable to attend because of illness, was Jack Jane- tatos, MMA's founding president, who recounted the Association's his- tory from its roots as a dozen-mem- ber discussion group several years ago to ten times that number at the meeting. Mr. Marangiello contrasted the public perception of contractors as scoundrels and the military as in- competent with the reality. He looked back on a long career in gov- ernment to observe that the govern- ment people, in the main, are "hon- est, loyal, dedicated, and hard work- ing." He observed as well that in- dustry, for the most part, was pro- viding equipment of good quality at fair prices. William Tarbell of NAVSEA, Deputy Commander for Acquisition and Logistics, described Defense Secretary Weinberger's 10-point program for improving DoD spare parts procurement practices. NAV- SEA's efforts, the spare parts im- provement program (SPIP), is an active program continually being defined and expanded. Primarily fo- cused on full-scale breakout reviews under the direction of life cycle manager engineers, this program, he said, factors all technical require- ments into these reviews that con- tribute to the set dollar competition goal for each inventory control point. Where lack of technical data precludes coding an item for com- petitive procurement, the navy will determine whether to procure the data from the manufacturer or pur- sue reverse engineering. DoD is di- recting a pilot program to more aggressively attack reverse engi- neering. He also pointed out that the Navy, at the direction of the competition advocate, is actively challenging restrictive rights. Rear Adm. David P. Donohue, USN, Fleet Maintenance Officer, Atlantic Fleet, talked of the Fleet's need for quality products and ser- vices, saying "98 percent quality is not good enough." In a candid give- and-take discussion, industry repre- sentatives felt that the Fleet was not adequately vocal in expressing its concern over poor-quality parts. They also spoke of several different and separate Navies—the competi- tion advocate, the legal advisor, the purchasing activity, the technical authority, and the user—all seem- ingly marching to different drum- mers. During the luncheon, Vice Adm. William H. Rowden, USN, Com- mander, Naval Sea Systems Com- mand, spoke of the current NAV- SEA organization and its structure. He clearly and strongly intends that NAVSEA be responsible and re- sponsive to the Fleet's needs and interests. NAVSEA is the technical expert of the Navy, and as such will assume full responsibility and au- thority in this area. To this end, he has appointed Rear Adm. James Webber as the Chief Engineer of the Navy, reporting directly to him. Colleen A. Preston, Counsel, Subcommittee on Investigations, House Committee on Armed Ser- vices, explained the concerns of the Congress that precipitate legisla- tion. Congress, she said, understood what caused the absurdly high prices of certain common items. She felt that perhaps some changes in accounting procedures and prora- tion of charges would do much to preclude the excessive costs of these items. However, she recalled that even as far back as Congressman Herbert and his committee report, Congress has been telling DoD to clean up its act. Steve Quatannens, MMA's General Counsel, described current thinking and legislation on rights in data both in Congress and DoD. He responded to many questions from the audience who expressed concern over the reversal of roles in that the burden of providing clear and con- vincing proof is borne by industry whenever the government chal- lenges those rights, even if those rights have been in existence for 20 years or more. Much discussion en- sued over the difficulty of proving one's case when files, correspon- dence, and agreements are more than 20 years old and no longer available. Tom Muller, vice president of Leslie Co., opened a discussion on reverse engineering. There are, he said, several kinds of reverse engi- neering; the one currently in ques- tion is the replication of someone (continued) Your brilliant alternative to bottled nitrogen OIL-IN-WATER MONITORING SYSTEM /ajj\ MARITIME ULJ OROTECTIi 200 Nm3/h NITROSEP® ready for shipment to a 125.000 m3 LNG carrier. NITROSEP® represents the new generation of inert gas systems from Maritime Protection A/S. NITROSEP®, a nitrogen generator, is based on membrane technology and separates nitrogen from the air without passing it through a burning process. Other products: HELIOSEP® — a helium generator, also based on membrane technology. 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Simple installation makes the system interesting for both newbuildings and retro- fits. CARGOMASTER® - supplied by a company having more than 25 years experience in the marine field. X SHARPEMRRR Stoa- P.O. Box 55, N-3971 Langesund, Norway. Phone: (035) 72 000, Telex: 21 973 Skarp N Member of ECCO Group. Circle 192 on Reader Service Card November, 1985 1 1 1