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93rd SNAME Annual Meeting — A Preview Hoboken, N.J., is agent for and will exhibit the following equipment: Dasic tank-washing machines, COW equipment, and water- and air-driv- en blowers; TEC cargo and tank- wash hoses; and Gastech portab gas- detection gear. TATE ANDALE Booth No. 413 Tate Andale, Inc. of Baltimore, a division of Tate Industries, will ex- hibit manually operated and power- operated simplex and duplex mani- fold valves; seawater, lube oil, and fuel oil strainers; PV valves, scupper valves, vent valves, P-traps, deck drains, special marine machining and fabricating capabilities, valve actuators, and heat exchangers. THOMSON-GORDON Booth No. 404 Thomson-Gordon Limited of Burlington, Ontario, Canada, will be displaying its full ranee of Thor- don® marine bearings for propeller shafts and rudder bearings on all types and classes of ships. From Compac to Staxl, from XL to Com- posite, Thordon synthetic-polymer- alloy marine bearings have provided consistent, cost-effective, trouble- free performance for owners and operators. There is said to be a Thordon marine bearing to meet any requirement. TTS Booth No. 227 Total Transportation Systems, Inc., (TTS) of Newport News, Va., is a major supplier of custom-engi- neered production systems, surface treatment lines for plates and shapes, and heavy-material-han- dling systems to modern shipyards throughout the world, including several prominent U.S. yards. The recently acquired Kenmark Indus- tries adds a new dimension to the TTS material-handling systems with Mega Grip and Mega Latch jacking equipment for ship transfer and rig jacking, and Twin Lift hoist shiplift systems. TYTON SEAL Booth No. 628 Tyton Seal of Pointe Claire, Que- CORROSION COATINGS PROTECT & PERFORM • 4 BALLAST & VOID COATINGS • WIRE ROPE & GEAR LUBRICANTS • GEAR & MACHINED METAL OILS • SELF-PRIMING ENAMELS • STORAGE COATINGS Worldwide Service Esgard, Inc. P.O. Drawer 2698 Lafayette, La 70502 318-234-6327 TLX 586602 Circle 152 on Reader Service Card Circle 273 on Reader Service Card The complete source for all your military electrical needs... MIL-C-915 and IEEE-45 Shipboard Cable Lights and Lighting Fixtures • Switches Enclosures • Plugs and Receptacles • Terminaltjubes Panels and Switchboards . Communications Eqt| MIL-SPEC CIRCUIT BREAKERS/STUFFING TUPE MIL-SPEC AIRFRAME WIRE & CABLE MIL-SPEC WIRE/CONNECTORS MIL-SPEC AEROSPACE WIRE & CABLE O^Cts" \odaV Circle 116 on Reader Service Card Introducing IMavCad™ Marine Design Software Programs HydroComp will formally introduce the first release of IMavCad at this year's Interna- tional Maritime Exposition (SNAME). Our new innovations in marine design software include MavCad:Props (propulsion system analysis), NavCadrProps Plus (propeller selection) and IMavCad:Power (power prediction). All three programs will be available for demonstration at the show. Visit us in Booth 811 to learn about IMavCad hands-on. And register to win the IMavCad program of your choice to be awarded at the end of the show. HYDRGCOMRc Naval Architects Marine Engineers Marine Design Computer Services 10 CUTTS ROAD PO BOX 865 DURHAM, NH 03824 603-868-2560 74 Circle 196 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News