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93rd SNAME Annual Meeting — A Preview to guide the rollers on a flat bar, rail, beam, or channel. The company's rollers are used extensively in the translation of ships and ship mod- ules either during launch or in the assembly phase. They can be sup- plied in stainless steel to prevent corrosion, and their lack of mainte- nance requirements, low coefficient of friction, and high durability make their life expectancy extremely favorable. HYDROCOMP Booth No. 811 HydroComp Inc., is a progressive naval architectural firm offering a complete network of engineering (MMC) LIQUID LEVEL TRIPLE FUNCTION TAPE THE TRITTTMODE FASTSAFE.VERYl EFFICIENT • Measures ullage, interface and tempera- ture in a single penetration • Intrinsically safe. Approved by Factory Mutual (FM) and BASEEFA 1 Reads dryness and interface to within %" of bottom of tank • Shown in Round Barrel Configuration for use with existing and/or new MMC vapor control valves in gauging restricted tanks. • Horn is "silent" in temperature mode. •Features include: Angled handle for greater comfort and accuracy; greatly im- proved tape wiping mechanism facili- tates reading and pre- vents product build up; LCD readout; low battery warning light. I ...The highest quality advanced technology (MS*.C) Marine Moisture Control Co., Inc. An MMC International Affiliate Company Headquarters—MMC International. 50/60 Inip Drive. Inwood, N Y. 11696. (212) 327-3430. (516) 239-7339. (713) 840-7569. (714)544-1131. Telex: 96-0140 MAMCAF INND MMC (EUROPE) LTD. An MMC International Affiliate Co. E' Floor, Milburn House. Dean Street, Newcastle-Upon- Tyne, NE1 1LF United Kingdome, Tel: 0632-328339. 322581 • Telex: 537005 MARINE G. Other applications Triple Function Tape: Offshore drill ships and production rigs, platforms, barges: closed tank function for chemicals, LPG & Ammonia. Call or Write Today for your Free Brochure. I Circle 318 on Reader Service Card h/ ^ \ w O lO> f/r* *Wf V/ O" sO 0V