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93rd SNAME Annual Meeting — A Preview scribes the rationale behind the de- velopment of practical semisubmer- sible stability criteria that reflect the current state of the art while maintaining the simplicity of exist- ing regulations. The proposed crite- ria are based on an energy balance approach and incorporate the ef- fects of wind, waves, and vessel mo- tions. Practical applications are considered and discussed. Paper No. 5—"A New Warship Design Strategy—A Perspective," by William H. Garzke Jr. and George Kerr. SYNOPSIS—This new warship design approach to naval ship de- sign is intended to provide the abili- ty to relate a warship's physical attributes (which will define its cost) to the mission requirements they serve, and to use these relation- ships in the design, development, and construction of more cost- and combat-effective warships. Paper No. 6—"Vibration Re- sponse on Propulsion-Efficient Container Vessels," by Hans G. Payer and Iwer Asmussen. SYNOPSIS—Fairly detailed vi- bration calculations are required during the design phase in order to effectively avoid vibration problems in propulsion-efficient vessels. Typ- ical calculation results including the forced vibration response are pre- sented in this paper and compared with results from measurements for a 2,000-TEU containership. It is shown that the vibration behavior can be predicted with sufficient ac- curacy to base design decisions on the results. Paper No. 7—"Rough Propeller Penalties," by R.L. Townsin, D.S. Spencer, M. Mosaad, and G. Pa- tience. SYNOPSIS—The ship operator is offered a standard procedure for measuring blade surface roughness using a stylus instrument of com- parator gauges. From the resulting single number Average Propeller Roughness, the power penalty may be calculated simply from a nomo- graph. The theoretical basis for the PAPERS COMMITTEE Jack A. Obermeyer, Chairman Jack W. Abbott James A. Higgins Steven G. Buttner Chester L. Long Warren C. Dietz Peter M. Palermo James F. Dunne Spencer Reitz Keith P. Farrell Wm. duBarry Thomas Jacques B. Hadler Richard W. Thorp Jr. William E. Zimmie <• Circle 202 on Reader Service Card RILEY-BEAIRD DESALINATORS AND SILENCERS FOR THE ENTIRE MARINE INDUSTRY. Few names have ev<=r been better known for quality ariadepend- ability than MAXIM. A standard that has stood for more than 50 years. Today Maxim furnishes desalinators, including reverse osmosis systems, to provide fresh water for workboats, offshore platforms, tankers, submarines and large vessels of all types... units designed for optimum space savings and operation economy. Equally, Maxim Silencers cover the waterfront with units designed for silencing or for silencing with heat recovery. And there are reliable Maxim heat exchangers and deaerators. Become part of a legend... insist on Maxim, the first name in reliability and service. Maxim backs it up! Riley-Beaird, P.O. Box 31115, Shreveport, LA 71130. Phone (318) 865-6351. . A DIVISION OF UNITED STATES RILEY CORPORATION Nuclear submarine i with Maxim desalinat General Dynamics Photo ^