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BPNAP Marine Lubricants Relocates In New Jersey BP North America Petroleum, Inc. (BPNAP) Marine Lubricants has announced it has moved its headquarters to new offices in Ise- lin, N.J. The staff located at the new facili- ties includes Richard J. Bogash, manager, marine lubricants-USA; Joseph W. Diaz, manager, marine lubricants operations and adminis- tration-USA; Brian G.A. Men- nell, manager, marine engineering- USA; and A1 M. Keller, manager, marine lubricants-Eastern Region. BPNAP Marine Lubricants also has regional offices in New Orleans, La., servicing the Gulf Coast, and in San Pedro, Calif., servicing the West Coast. Additionally, they have supply facilities at over 50 ports throughout the USA. BPNAP Marine Lubricants is the American arm of the BP Marine International Lubricants global net- work operating in over 60 countries worldwide and providing lubrica- tion and technical back-up service to over 4,000 vessels, including some of the world's largest shipping fleets. The new address is: BP North America Petroleum, Inc., 555 U.S. Route 1-South, Second Floor, Iselin, N.J. 08830, telephone (201) 750- 8828 or (800) 524-1567; telex No. 176082. For further information on their services including brochures on product ranges and supply facili- ties, Circle 24 on Reader Service Card Rockwell Awarded NAVSEA Contract For Sonar Sets Rockwell International Corpora- tion, Anaheim, Calif., was awarded a $3,975,650 letter contract with a ceiling price of $11,359,000 for four AN/BQQ-9 sonar signal processing (SSP) sets. The work will be performed in Anaheim, and is expected to be completed September 30, 1987. The Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024- 85-C-6542). At the end of the current fiscal year, $3,370,000 of the contract funds would have expired. Clemlite® System Offers Economy And Safety —Literature Available According to Clemco Industries, Burlingame, Calif., the Clemlite™ system of abrasive blast hoses, cou- plings and nozzles can heighten pro- ductivity by lightening operators' loads by as much as 62 percent, while offering improved safety and economy. Combining ultra-light weight with new levels of flexibility, Clem- lite Supa™ hose features IVi-inch November, 1985 1 1 1 inner diameters plus end-of-hose outer diameter controlled to within '4 of an inch for tigher, safer, no- leak connections. Other hose fea- tures include a pin-pricked outer cover to prevent steam bubbles from forming between the cover and the Vt -inch thick inner tube; carbon treatment to dissipate static elec- tricity; and cement-sealed or rub- ber-capped ends to eliminate ply separation caused by entry of high- pressure air. Made of lightweight nylon, the "twist-connect" Clemlite couplings employ a universal locking lug for easy attachment to hoses of differ- ent sizes, and incorporate Clemco's exclusive automatic-snap safety wire for added security. New inter- nal spirals guide hoses to a firm seal with the coupling's static conduct- ing gasket and—when blasting be- gins—grip inward to ensure a no- leak connection. Clemlite venturi blast nozzles use one piece, sintered liners made of silicon carbide, a technological breakthrough in wear-resistant ma- terials that offers extended life in high-production environments, as well as benefits in reduced weight and cost. Tough urethane jacketing is used as insulation between the liner and the full-length aluminum sleeve, as well as on the outer nozzle surface, to protect against shock during on-the-job handling. For free literature on the Clemlite System of abrasive hoses, couplings and nozzles, Circle 80 on Reader Service Card "Seawater? I fight back! With zinc anodes from Thermal Redaction Company!" Corrosive elements can't win when you're armed with zinc anodes from Thermal Reduction Company. We're one of the largest manufacturers and sup- pliers in the world. With a global reputation that's well-deserved. We've done it with prompt delivery in any quantity. We've done it with a top quality product. And we've done it with service that's a superhuman effort. Every time. Call today, (609) 461-1400. And we'll do it for you. THERMAL REDUCTION COMPANY 1 Pavilion Avenue Riverside, New Jersey 08075 USA Circle 192 on Reader Service Card