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Alexander Industries Appointed Microphor Representative Appointment of Alexander Indus- tries of New Orleans, La., and Hous- ton, Texas, as manufacturers' repre- sentative for Microphor, Inc. has been announced by John M. May- field Jr., president of Microphor. Microphor manufactures several lines of marine equipment at its Willits, Calif., headquarters facili- ty- Alexander Industries will be the exclusive representative for Micro- phor's marine division products in Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Alexander Industries also repre- sents a variety of marine vessel and offshore equipment suppliers na- tionwide, according to Arthur J. Sevin Jr., vice president of Alexan- der Industries. Microphor manufactures and markets several lines of marine equipment, including patented Mi- croflush half-gallon marine toilets, marine sanitation devices, sump/ pump assemblies, oily water separa- tors and oil content monitors. TUBE FITTINGS Unique Swaging Action • Provides a seal between ferrule and body at a point different from where the heavy work is per- formed • Supports tube ahead of seal to resist vibration • Does not create torque or leave residual strain on tubing • Does not significantly reduce flow area. Patented Inspection Gage Assures Sufficient Pull-Up • Useful for both the installer and inspector • If the gage will not fully enter the gap between the nut and body shoulder, fitting pull-up is sufficient • If the gage enters the gap, you'll know pull-up is incomplete. Effective Me tal-to-Metal Seal >r- Patented jfjT • Interaction of precision parts — body, front ferrule, back ferrule and nut — produces a leak-free seal with simple 1-1/4 turn pull-up • Works on thick or thin wall tubing • Seals repeatedly under make-and-break conditions • Seals consistently over a wide range of pressures, temperatures and temperature cycling. Only SWAGELOK Tube Fittings offer gageability of straight fittings, and forged shaped elbows and tees in stainless steel and steel. Gages are available for 1/8" through 1" sizes. Torque-free swaging action, effective sealing and gageability are just three of the many elements of excellence for which SWAGELOK Tube Fittings are known and respected.. .a tradition of Excellence. rna TUBE FITTINGS NEW SERVO VALVE ON-THE-SPOT TESTER WITH HYDRO-CRAFT'S NEW PORTABLE SERVO ANALYZER, IT'S ON-THE-SPOT TESTING FOR ON-THE-SPOT RESULTS! Don't let faulty hydraulics rob you of production time Hydro-Craft's portable Servo Analyzer effectively tests potentially serious servo valve malfunctions - on the spot. Eliminate the waiting and guesswork from your production schedule. Get the testing results you need quickly and accurately. This rugged and light-weight system can easily be hand carried to any trouble spotfor rapid and successful servo valve testing. CONTACT USTODAY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND LET OUR NEW SERVO ANALYZER SYSTEM HELP TO REDUCE COSTLY DOWN-TIME! 1821 ROCHESTER INDUSTRIAL DR ROCHESTER, MICHIGAN 48063 (313) 652-8100 TELEX 023-5677 Circle 165 on Reader Service Card CRAWFORD FITTING COMPANY 29500 Solon Road. Solon, Ohio 44139 Crawford Fittings (Canada). Ltd. Ontario 1981 MARKAD SERVICE CO./all rights reserved C-36t PUZZLED? How does it all fit together? The National Marine Electronics Association can help. The NMEA is a non-profit trade association of manufacturers and dealers, dedicated to improving the quality of prod- ucts, standards and service in the marine electronics industry. Contact any NMEA member. You'll get expert guidance in piecing together a total marine electronics package that fits your needs. Call or write for a free booklet and list of NMEA members. m National Marine Electronics Association P.O. Box 57, Oronoco, Minnesota 55960 Telephone 507-367-2568 "We are pleased to be affiliated with Alexander Industries," Mr. Mayfield said. "We are confident that their professional approach will effectively represent Microphor ma- rine products." Microphor also manufactures and markets a wide range of products for the railroad, commercial plumbing and custom manufacturing indus- tries. Microphor is a subsidiary of the Harrow Corporation. For further information, Circle 49 on Reader Service Card Harold Derusha Harold Derusha, former own- er, chairman of the board and past president of Marinette Marine Cor- poration, Marinette, Wise., died last month at the age of 76. Mr. Derusha was a pioneer of shipbuilding on the Great Lakes in the 1930s, before joining Marinette Marine in 1942. He assumed owner- ship of the fledgling shipyard in 1952 and guided the company until his retirement in 1968. During this period, Marinette Marine became one of the most successful medium- size shipbuilders in the U.S., build- ing hundreds of vessels for the U.S. Navy and Army as well as both for- eign and commercial clients. Under the stewardship of Mr. Derusha, Marinette Marine be- came a leading supplier of landing craft and auxiliary vessels to the U.S. navy. Pyrotenax Offers Full Line Of Insulated Cable —Literature Available A full range of mineral-insulated (MI) thermocouple cable is now be- ing made available from stock by Pyrotenax USA Inc. of East Syra- cuse, N.Y. The company, which spe- cializes in the design and production of MI cables, offers a broad selec- tion of J, K, T, and E cable calibra- tions in simplex, duplex, and triplex types—all in accordance with ANSI standards. Special tolerance re- quirements and custom fabrications can also be accommodated. Pyrotenax MI thermocouple ca- bles feature a metal sheath in which thermoelectric elements are embed- ded in highly compressed magne- sium oxide insulation. Cables range from 0.020 to 0.750 inches OD and are engineered in a wide variety of sheaths including 304, 310, 316, 346, and 446 stainless steel; Inconel 600; and Incoloy 825. Metric size cables, RTD extensions, terminations, and specialty products such as square and hollow core types are also of- fered. For additional information and free literature, Circle 91 on Reader Service Card 40 Circle 113 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News