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Transamerica Delaval's Deltex Repair Facility Offers Free Color Brochure Deltex of Houston, Texas, a facili- ty of Transamerica Delaval's Tur- bine and Compressor Division dedi- cated to the service and repair of rotating machinery bearing the De- laval nameplate, is offering free an attractive full-color brochure on its facilities and capabilities. The publication explains that fac- tory-trained personnel at the 100- employee facility in Houston main- tain daily contact with Compressor Division headquarters in Trenton, N.J., and that the Deltex library of more than 100,000 drawings, engi- neering standards and repair proce- dures for rotating machinery is con- tinuously updated. This attention to detail ensures that customers re- ceive the best service and response available. Also discussed are Del- tex's facilities for machining, weld- ing, blading, heat treating, erecting and nondestructive testing of rotat- ing machinery, and its vacuum bunker rotor balancing facility— said to be the only one in the West- ern Hemisphere solely used for re- pair. The brochure is well-illustrated MORGRIP BOLTS FOR MODERN MARINE ASSEMBLIES MORGRIP BOLT PROPELLERS FLANGE MOUNTED FIXED PITCH & CONTROLLABLE PITCH HUBS < SEAL CAP MORGRIP® HYDRAULICALLY STRAINED BOLTS PROVIDE: • Sliding fit installation and removal without damage for fitted applications. • Reduced time and labor costs for fitting and maintenance. • Repeated usage without damage. For any marine bolt application requiring pure axial, pure radial, or any combination of axial and radial strains. iS3S> MAPECO PRODUCTS, INC. 725 GLEN COVE AVE.. P.O. BOX 6 GLEN HEAD. NY 11545 PHONE 516-759-1802 • TELEX: 12-6075 nTOCONVEYOR UAJBELT DOORS FOR SELF UNLOADERS • Provide watertight integrity for subdivision bulkhead • Custom designed for each application • Proven through years of satisfactory service • WK PATENTED DESIGN Simple pneumatic or hydrau- lic operation; provides generous belt clearance, eliminating belt damage; re- duces maintenance leader in the field in Design and Supply of SLIDING W.T. DOORS AND CONTROLS Each door has its own individual electro-hydraulic system. Malfunction due to damage of one door does not effect others in vessel. Complies fully with U.S.C.G. requirements for Sub- part 163.001 Class II and Class III Sliding W.T. Doors, and Solas 1974. Also furnished to require- ments of A.B.S.. C.S.I., N.M.D., Lloyds and other regulatory bodies throughout the world. SLIDING W.T. DOORS also for Drill Rigs, Tankers and Special Ships SLUICE GATES for Tankers CONVEYOR BELT DOORS for self unloaders BHD STUFFING BOXES for Propulsion Shafting Write for Bulletin 751 containing data, drawings and door sizes. Walz & Krenzer, inc. 1390 MT. READ BLVD., ROCHESTER. NY 14606 PHONE 716-254-6670 • TELEX: 646874 with large photos showing various types of work in progress, such as overhaul of a centrifugal compres- sor, tenon forming on a turbine blade, a compressor shaft taper be- ing submerged arc welded, babbit- ting, etc., and the back page has an aerial view of the Deltex facility as well as photos of some of the person- nel principals. For a free copy of the brochure and further information on Trans- america Delaval's Deltex Repair Fa- cility, Circle 36 on Reader Service Card Al Garcia Joins Adams & Porter Al Garcia Al Garcia, CLU, has joined Ad- ams & Porter Life Associates, Inc. as a vice president. Mr. Garcia was previously with American General Life Insurance Company and has 18 years' experi- ence in personal and business insur- ance, estate and financial planning. At Adams & Porter he will be responsible for implementation of personal and corporate life insur- ance programs. He earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from Ball State University in Muncie, Ind. Mr. Garcia is a member of the American College of Life Under- writers, where he received his CLU designation in 1974. Adams & Porter Life Associates, Inc. is the employee benefit and estate planning affiliate of Adams & Porter Associates, Inc., a Houston- based international insurance bro- kerage company founded in 1907. Drew Ameroid Announces Its New Port Directory Drew Ameroid® Marine recently introduced its new port directory listing product and service availabil- ity in over 650 ports and 47 coun- tries worldwide. Products available at the various ports are clearly identified by appropriate coding and include chemicals, welding and refrigerant products, packing, jointings and me- chanical seals. For a copy of the port directory and further information on Drew Ameroid Marine's products and ser- vices, Circle 34 on Reader Service Card Circle 113 on Reader Service Card 26 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News PILGRIM NUT RUDDERS MORGRIP BOLT PILGRIM NUT